
Brushing teeth.. problem now..?

by Guest45138  |  earlier

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My daughter, almost 14 months, hates getting her teeth brushed. When she first got her teeth she let me brush her 4 little teeth then I let her just chew on the tooth brush, then she didn't like me to brush them, but instead just wanted to chew on the tooth brush, so I let her. But, now she refuses to let me brush her teeth, which I am fine with, but she won't chew on her tooth brush either.

She needs her teeth brushed, but won't even chew on a tooth brush so her teeth aren't even getting clean.

I think I am a little obsessed with her teeth being clean because my mom obsesses over it and tells me all these stories about how 2 year old kids come into her dentist office and have to have cavities filled. Anyways!

What do I do now?




  1. It is very important that you clean her teeth... put some yummy children's Colgate on a damp wash cloth and clean her teeth three times a day ESPECIALLY before she goes to bed...

  2. Would she let you brush her teeth if she's "brushing" yours for you at the same time? You will get the odd poke in the eyeball, but it does the trick here when there's a toothbrushing fuss.

  3. my fiance's aunt is a dental hygeinist and she told me even if you only brush your toddler's teeth once a day  then you're doing better than a lot of parent's out there. i brush my son's teeth twice a day but it's a struggle. he loves to "brush" his own teeth and even tries to move the tooth brush like you're suppose to but mostly chews on it. but i brush then either before or after he does that. i kinda have to force him which i hate doing.  but i jsut put him on my lap and brush his teeth  and then give it to him

    Obber has an excelent idea, my son likes to do that too, he think it's funny

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