
Bubble Nest Help??!!!?

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I am seeing that my gourami ( I have only one ) is building a bubble nest. I have NO idea what to do, I am only a beginner. Thanks!




  1. He is fine. Let him build the bubble nest. A bubble nest is a nest for the female to lay her eggs in. Just because there is no female means nothing. He could just be in the mood or something. It has to be a boy if it is building a bubble nest so just leave it and carry on. It will do no harm to your fish or tank. Hope I helped you!:) Have a happy life with your fish!

  2. you don't have to do anything the good news is you know you have a male  

  3. Gouramis and Betas will both build bubble nests whether or not a female or male is present. Courtship usually begins after the bubble nest is built. In a natural environment, the female's choice of mate might be partly dependent on the quality of the male's bubble nest.

    Your fish probably was already pregnant. When the bubblenest is ready, the male will start courting the female Dwarf Gourami. This will typically occur during later afternoon or in the evening. The male will swim around near the female while flaring his fins. He will then attempt to draw her to his bubblenest. If the female accepts the male and is ready to spawn, she will swim in circles beneath the bubblenest. When she is ready to release her eggs, she will touch the male on his back or on his tail with her mouth. The male will then embrace her and turn her first on her side, and then onto her back. The female will now release her eggs and the male will fertilize them. There are usually around 60 eggs in one batch. The eggs float and will be placed in the bubblenest by the male Dwarf Gourami.

    Once the male has gathered all the eggs and placed them safely in the bubblenest, the pair can spawn again. If you keep the male with several females, he may spawn with a new female at this point. The entire spawning process can therefore take up to four hours and the bubblenest can eventually be filled with up to 800 eggs. When the male is finished, he will cover the eggs with a fine layer of bubbles to make them stay in the nest. When you see him doing this, you know that the spawning is over and you should remove the females from the breeding aquarium. The male will be very aggressive when he is caring for his offspring, so keeping him in his own aquarium without any other fish is recommended.

  4. The nests are constructed as a place for fertilized eggs to be deposited while incubating and guarded by the male until the fry hatch.

    however bubble nests are built even when not in presence of female or fry.

    various things have been shown to stimulate bubble nest construction, such as quick temperature changes, materials in the tank, and presence of other males or females.

    hope this helps =)
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