
Bubbles and slimy stuff in my betta tank??

by  |  earlier

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What's going on. I've only had my betta a few days in his tank and there are bubbles and like a very thin layer of slime at the top. The slime has no clor and it might no even be slime maybe it's from the bubbles. IDK... whats going on???




  1. Hi Jean,

    I am proud to say you are half way to being a proud mum of zillions of fry lol.  All you need now is a partner for him.  Your boy has just built himself a love haven.  Basically, when he is feeling broody and ready to mate he builds his nest.  This is a clear indication he wants to mate.  He deposits all the fallen eggs into the nest and in time they hatch and tada you have babies. See the below link and it will explain all :-)

    Hope this helps.

  2. male Bettas will make a bubble nest, I have 7 at home and the biggest 5 make nests while the little ones look on jealously!

    It is perfectly normal. If the top is open sometimes dust particles can gather on the surface so cover with a fine mesh piece (like some lace curtain) to keep the dirt out.

  3. The slime and bubbles it totally normal.  I have had 4 male betas and they all do the same thing.  The bubbles on top is a sign they want to mate.  And I always get slime with it too, it could either be slime from the bubbles or just some waste.  My current betas, make a new bubble nest each time I clean their tank.  Your fish is fine.

  4. It might be a bubble nest hes building. And thats great you have him in a 5 gallon!!!!

  5. hmm,, this can usually happen when your tank is over populated and waste is high? It could be you tank is too small for your betta, and you may need a filter and water cleaner. Ask your local pet store for their recommendations.

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