
Bubbles around the bowl?

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when i dont clean out my fish bowl, the next morning there are bubbles all around the bowl. my goldfish swims up there and like eats them. does anybody have any suggestions on what i should do, or any explanations on what is happening?




  1. Your goldfish needs a 20 gallon tank. Goldfish bowls really tortue the fish, most owners do not know that!


  2. Don't put a goldfish in a bowl!!!!! He's gonna die!!!! Those bubbles maybe air bubbles. Did you add a medication? Do you have an airpump? Most meds. Make foamm and bubbles.

  3. are you using soap to clean out the tank?

    you should NEVER use soap!!

    if not, then it's probably blowing bubbles and making a nest.

  4. This could be a couple of things.


    1. It needs air if you don't have a pump or,

    2. It's blowing bubbles...Though I haven't really heard of it.

    3. It might be stressed if you are keeping it in a bowl. It needs a tank.

    I'd like to point out that goldfish lay eggs on the bottom of the tank. They do not make bubble nests as that is the behavior of a Betta or Gourami since they come from the family of Belontiidae, which means they have a special organ allowing them to breathe through their mouths and their gills. Your goldfish could not achieve either.

  5. He is simply blowing bubbles.......

    He does not eat them he takes the oxygen out of them when he needs them!

    I suggest you just let him do that!

  6. sometimes fish will instinctively make a "nest" out of bubbles by blowing them on their own (kinda like blowing milk bubbles with a straw).

    My betta fish does it a lot and he will go up and inspect it and poke around. It's an instinct thing. They want to prepare for eggs/babies. Even though your fish may be alone, and not preggo, they still have this natural urge to do it.

    Completely harmless though. Just think of it as a method for your little fishie to be keeping busy.

  7. Milo Pup is completely correct. It is instinct, and a nest.

    WARNING: GET THE GOLDFISH IN A TANK!! I do not mean this any harm, only good. Your goldfish can suffocate because of lack of oxygen in its bowl. You need a tank with live plants or a filter.

    Hopw this helps!

  8. Goldfish do not blow bubbles for nest building.

    Some species of Bettas, gouramis, catfish, and Ctenomas do so, but the bubbles stay together.

    Unless you have other fish in there, these aren't eggs.

    However, none of these fish should be kept in a bowl unless it's at least 2 gallons.  The larger gouramis, catfish and Ctenomas would need at least 10 gallons for breeding, but generally a 20 for every day living.

    Goldfish need at least a 20, but preferrably 30 gallon, tank for the first fish and 10 gallons for each additional  They also need a filter and weekly water changes, as do most fish.  Goldfish can and do reach at least 18 ".

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