
Bubbles on a new fish tank?

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Our old 10 gal tank cracked tonight. (its been a long night). So we had to go buy a new tank. Our new tank has lots of little bubbles all over the walls/rocks/decorations? Not so much on the top, just tiny ones all over.

I tried google, but everything I found was about bubbles on the top of tank. Not tiny ones all over.

Is this normal on new tanks? Could it be from the new filter?




  1. Generally it's dissolved gasses coming out of the new water.

    The water from the tap is under pressure, and contains more dissolved gasses. When you put it into the tank the extra gas bubbles out of the water and collects on the rocks and glass.

    It's generally harmless and will go away in a couple of days as things settle down.

    You should use the filter from the old tank to avoid cycling problems. Running both filters in the new tank for a while is the best option.


  2. its normal  

  3. Yes that is new tank sindrome.  Air sticks to everything.  After you let your tank psykle and all the little  bubbles go away you can take your fish out of the tupeware you were keeping them in, in another 24 hours.  Yeah, ouch 24 hours, you have to wait.  I know they dont like tuberware but they like cold water less.  Keep your cool work to get the tand right then let it sit for another molimen.  Take care and let your water sit...  Your friend at myspace  

    Let me know how it goes.


  4. Yeah it's normal for a new tank, in a day or so it'll go away. Make sure you use that slimy stuff you put in the tank to condition it, I forget what it's called it's been awhile since I used to have one, it' gets rid of the chlorine.

  5. That is normal, my ten gallon did the same thing when I first set it up. It'll go away in a few days probably, but mine took more like a week before it cleared up. Hope your day is better than your long night was!

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