
Bubbly feeling?

by  |  earlier

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hi, me and my partner are trying to have a baby, we have been trying for about three months, i have had 2 periods, but i have not taken a pregnancy test. i had s*x the day before my period, would that be close enough for the sperm to be ablle to fertilise the egg? ir is it too late?

I experienced like a numb feeling yesterday along with stomach cramps on the left hand side of my womb and today i have like a bubbly feeling.

am i pregnant yet? lol




  1. I doubt you are pregnant.  

    Most women ovulate about half way through their cycle, so having s*x the day before your period is at the very end of your cycle.  When no egg implants in the lining of your uterus, your body gets rid of the lining (your period).

    If you want to learn when you ovulate, there are many ways to track it.  You can take your basal body tempature.  BBT is your resting temp.  You take your temp every morning before you get out of bed.  Try not to move or do anything until after you've taken your temp.  Take it at the same time every day also.  Just before you ovulate, your temp will go down just a hair, like 0.1 or 0.2 degrees.  Then when you ovulate, it will go up, like 0.4-0.6 degrees (or sometimes more).  Most women have to track their temp for several months before they see a clear pattern of when they are ovulating.

    You can also track your CM.  When it looks like egg whites (clear, strechy, etc) it means you are ovulating.

    You can buy ovulation test kits.  They look like most pregnancy tests, but they detect Lutienizing Hormone (LH) instead of HcG.  You produce LH through out your cycle, but it goes up dramatically when you're about to ovulate.  It is the hormone that tells your ovaries to release an egg.  When you get a positive on these tests, you know you are about to ovulate.

    Remember that your egg will only live after ovulation for 12-24 hours.  Sperm on the other hand can live inside a woman for 5-7 days.  Also, having s*x every single day can lower a guy's sperm count so most couples TTC will alternate every other day during the woman's fertile time to increase the sperm count.

    Healthy couples with no problems only have about 20-25% chance of getting pregnant each month.  It is not uncommon to be TTC for 6-12 months (or longer).

  2. wen you have your  period that means your egg broke... So no, wait untill your done your period

  3. take a test

  4. The best way to determine pregnancy is to wait and take a test. You have to be ovulating to get pregnant. Have s*x within the 5-7 days after your period. Good luck!
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