
Bubbly surface after using MinWax?

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So I sanded and stained a table and it was perfect - until my bf added ANOTHER coat on top of the not-yet-dry coat. And we left it overnight. In the a.m. i had a bubbly surface! Tiny, almost imperceptible bubbles almost unnoticeable (except to me). When I run my hand on the table it's not smooth - it's grainy. Is my table a goner? What can I do?




  1. Sand down the surface and reapply Min-Wax  in thin coats and then let dry for about 12 hours then put another coat on, sanding in between. If you put it on to heavy you'll have the same trouble and make sure the surface is clean when using the Min-Wax and never shake the can, stir it with a stick because that will cause bubbles also.

  2. Minwax what?



    Penetrating stain?

    If he put on stain over wet stain it shouldn't have caused any problem.

    If he put polyurethane over not quite dry stain or polyurethane you should be able to let it dry completely, scuff sand with 240 or maybe 320 grit paper and put on a final coat. If it was polyurethane the small bumps might be from tiny popped bubbles or tiny dust particles in the finish. If they are in the darker softer part of the grain it may be a reaction between the stain and polyurethane.

    The table should not be a goner and you should NOT have to strip and re-do. Even if the under coat wasn't dry it is very likely it will dry and be okay.

    You could also look up French polishing and finish off the table that way depending on how you intend to use it.

  3. Not to worry your table is not a goner but it's going to cost you some extra elbow grease. It will have to be done again. Strip everything off, better yet,make your bf do it. Then tell him to leave the furniture refinishing to Try to imress on your bf that the 1st coat HAS to be completely DRY before another is added or it will NEVER dry, and that's from my own experience. BTW, I have used Minwax for several years now and have yet to have to do it over again, the stuff is amazing...good luck.

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