
Bucket list.?

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bucket list.?

list of things to do..

hasnt gotten very long.

i need more things.

im outgoing, fun, love doing things with my friends juss for the h**l of it, n need things to do!

any ideas of thnigs to do before my life hits a dead end??

ill do anything[[within reasons that i like of course]]




  1. aww yea grow up tinkerbell, this is one of the dumbest things i've read ,, well today anyway!

  2. One me, mom, grandma and most other females in family.

    Kiss your first crush, if you never admitted your love to them. Kick the guy that broke your heart, and ride away alone, as a good ol' girl.

  3. There is only one major item you need for your bucket list and it is this:  NEVER GET INTO THE HABIT OF NOT DOING SOMETHING YOU LIKE BECAUSE OF FEAR.  

    If sky diving looks fun to you then do it.  The main part of your life to be effected will be the personal side, however.  You should never be afraid to talk to someone who is interesting to you.  You should not be afraid to take the hand of a person you feel empathy for or to give a warm embrace.  Don't be afraid to be who you really are and speak the truth always.

    If you can do that, then you will have no regrets.

  4. My own bucket list also includes making pottery on a throw-wheel, learning to do water color landscapes, going on a real archaeological excavation (or dino-dig) to work.

    I want to stay a week in one of the "primitive" resorts away from electricity.  I think it would be good for me to disconnect a bit and get perspective again.

    I want to spend time teaching inmates to read.  

    I want to hike the Grand Canyon and ride the California Coastal highway on a motorcycle.

    I want to go to Australia and live for at least 6 months.

    I want to spend at least 2 months in each,  New Zealand, England, Scotland, and Ireland - living in ordinary places and meeting ordinary people.

    I want to have a picnic lunch of cheese and fruit and bread in a meadow in France.

    I want to swim in every ocean, and swim with the dolphins at least once.  I want to see many species as I can.

    I want to ski with both my sons and my husband  on a really long run when no one falls and no one has to wait too long for the "beginner" (that would be me.)

    I want to see both sons married and hold my grandchildren, and sing them to sleep.

    I want to get the landscaping done - and to do it myself, not hire it done.  

    I want to design and live in a house that is convenient, attractive, and "green."

    I've got more, but I'll stop there.
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