
Buddy?? Guilty or Not??

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Just wandering what everyone thinks about Buddy Franklin and his report for head high contact the other night..

Is he innocent OR is he guilty?

Do you think he should be suspended OR do you think he should recieve a fine?...

I think this is pretty simular to the Goodes report last week,and we know how that ended up?...

Will Buddy get the book thrown at him tonight or not?...




  1. I think maybe a reprimand if any for the head high contact. Not sure what his past record is though???

  2. Not guilty your honor. We all do respecta, a fly would have did more damage if it hit him

  3. Well concidering he has an excellent record, and looking at Adam Goddes last week i'd say he will get off with a fine..

    Dos'nt matter now he's stuffed his brownlow chances up has'nt he?...

    I did'nt really think there was much in it but hey i'm not an umpire am i....

  4. No!    He's not guilty.

    No-one should be reported for poxy c**p like that.   A free kick should be given and that should be the end of it.   I love my footy but the way the AFL are going,   they're turning the game into a non contact sport with all these stupid new rules and regulations.

  5. Taking the Goodes case out of the  equation here,  he really should of gotten 1-2 weeks at least, seriously,  the head is sacrosanct,  i don't mind two blokes having a go at each other, I'd love to see the old toe to toe fights, like days gone by, but when some one has their head over the ball you do not hit them with anything,   for all the Nangers invading the Aussie Rules again,  they wouldn't know, they tackle in groups, there have a couple of players end up paralyzed from head knocks, same as those,  the hip does massive damage in some instances.  

    Couple of weeks to think about it wouldn't have hurt him, very dangerous, a glancing blow could of been far worse, it only takes a glancing blow in a boxing ring to know someone out too,  it doesn't have to be a full on punch to the face,  we all know a knock to the temple can result in death.

  6. Guilty - as charged.

    But he wont get rubbed out. The tribunal will find some reason to downgrade any punishment to a reprimand. We all know different players get treated differently to others by the AFL tribunal.

  7. Buddy's bump wasn't the worst I've seen, and while I think he is guilty, I don't think it is worthy of suspension. As we have seen tonight, he was found guilty, and had recieved a reprimand which makes him ineligible for the Brownlow, but free to play.

  8. What a joke i think buddy should be rubbed out for 1 or 2 matches after all Brett Burton did the same thing and he got rubbed out for 2 matches, knowing the hawks they will try and fight it tomorrow night

  9. I dont think it matters if hes guilty or not ..

    I think its how the tribunal determines and interprets the punishment..

    Could go either/any which way..

  10. He's been charged with a Level 1 rough conduct charge so it's the exact same charge Goodes was given and he can also accept a reprimand.

    Must be a protected species too hey?

  11. He will get off, because he has a good record

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