
Budget deficit lurches to worst June figure on record?

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How many more records can new labour beat?

We have the lowest social mobility since records began, the highest discrepancy between rich & poor.

How many more poor performance targets can new labour achieve with their deluded tax & waste policies?




  1. Until we vote them out they will cotinue to inflicked pain.

  2. in 26 years

  3. Its astounding that this has occured under the leadership of Brown, who in his early tenure as chancellor was running the government finances in the black...

    This government have backed themselves into a corner. Their generous spending commitments were used as stick to beat the opposition during Labour's cake-and-eat-it middle terms; there is now no way they can back out. The only way forward is to remove them & hope Osbourne, less shackled by the past, is able to grasp the nettle of a state that is too broad in responsibities and is, as a consequence, a fiscal black-hole.

  4. Great question; you of course refer to the record borrowing figure. So much for Prudence !!!

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