
Budget on reel n rod?

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Today I went to look around for these two but just couldn't decide what to buy.My budget for reel is 880 n rod like maybe 550 so what should I go for?Maybe just another 20percent more is still ok.




  1. Thats a fake budget, spending 1,500 on a Reel and Rod set. He's just trying to show off his fake money yall!

  2. Where are you from and what type of fish are you trying to catch? This info will be helpful to everyone here trying to help you. Thanks.

    If you have a Bass Pro Shop or Cabela's in your area you have some excellent choices for not a lot of money. A 6 foot medium action spinning rod is a good all around rod unless you are after very small fish.

  3. I would look at a good shimano reel if you must have a new reel, if you'd be ok with a used one look online (ebay) for a Garcia Mitchell 308 for U/L or 300 Med spinning / 302 for saltwater or find a used shimano there. I like shimano baitcasters and spinning reels but garcia mitchell is an excellent reel that has stood the test of time - I've got one that is more than 20yrs old.

    Don't recall seeing any Ugly sticks when I lived in the UK but I'd order one - you can't kill them. (When I was stationed in Scotland I did fly fishing all the time).

  4. what kind of fishing do you want to do?

    if you want to do estuary and inland saltwater a medium sized telescopic rod would be great, ask the man in the tackle shop what type to buy. If its beach casting you could obtain a fairly good rod for less than twenty quid. There really is no point spending a lot of money on your rod/reel unless you are entering competitions, i've caught plenty of fish on cheap rods. If you want a good all round rod, make sure it is quite flexible, but not too much that it ill snap when you hook a specimen. If your going to spend a lot of money, spend it on your reel, as well as decent rigs/lures/lines etc, you could pick up a great rod for £50, about $76
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