
Budgie Breeding. Need Help ASAP?

by  |  earlier

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okay okay. so my pair of budgies seem to mate every day and my female's vent is pretty large and seems maybe swollen. she spends tons of time in the nesting box but when she comes out she just ends up mating with the male again. she hasnt laid any eggs and the 1st time i saw them mate was .. i think 3 weeks ago. still nothing. can some one PLEASE give me advice. it will be greatly appreciated. the more i know the better for my Birds =)

thanks <3





    Good luck.

  2. iight i dont usually do this but im a help so you better not give me a thumbs down.


    well its her first time and they mate it can take up to 4 weeks. she will spend more time in the nest when she will be ready to lay her eggs. but dont check on her to much. 2-3 times a day if fine any more they will not like it. it takes time. and just let nature do its magic.

    iight peace


  3. the only thing I would start to worry about is that she may be egg bound. Trying to pass egg but unable to. make sure you offer lots of calcium at this time. Cuttle bone, crushed oyster shell can get at pet store. Give her a little more time as she may be swollen due to so much breeding behavior. If she starts straining, sitting in nest box fluffed up eating less eyes closed shaking then its off to the vets you go. I would also buy a book on budgies and go to the many websites out there. You can talk on line with experts or email them to. Good luck to you and the budgies. :)

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