
Budgie Or Dove?

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I would like to get a bird and I don't know whether to get a dove or a budgie.I'm 13 and I'd like a bird that's relatively quiet,will not get my room too messy,and is easily tamed.





  1. What's a budgie???

  2. Well budgies can be noisey. but you cfan tame them to not scream and such. Like I have 2. And they no longer Scream. The chirp. And I can now hand feed them. get them to talk. and they are finger tamed. They useually get there cage messy. but  well i think everyone get there room messy every once in a while. lol. Doves you can't take out of the cage. If you can, then it wouldn't be  for that long.  Anyways. im 13 too. and i got 2 budgies. Doves seem hard to raise. Anyways. Enjoy! Thais is like a cage i have.... but taller.    

    I hope this will work!

  3. a Budgie will be MUCH louder.. doves make pleasant coo sounds..

    read this link, you will like it

    buying from a breeder will have friendlier pets than from pet store.. even check your local shelter.

  4. I have a budgie and it's really easy to take care of. They are a little messy when it comes to seed, but I am sure all birds are that ways. Doves are a little larger and harder to take care of. Not to mention the cage is going to be really expensive for a dove. I would suggest the budgie and look for cages online ( they are much cheaper. My budgie is very good, I cover him at night so that he doesn't get load and uncover him in the morning. They do chirp though so you have to be willing to listen to it. Most of the time if you cover the cage they will stop chirping.

  5. a budgie would be a plain racket, but they'd be easy to tame, also very fun to be with. unless the budgie is crazy it won't mess up your room.

    a dove is really quiet, and unless if it's a pooping machine, dont worry about your room. about the taming... u could train it to do some simple things, but they wont be all playful.  

    so basicaly a dove would meet your requirement but unfortunatly, they are pretty hard to find in pet stores and other retailers, so look for a budgie. they're fun and .. FUN

  6. well if you got a dove, i would suggest getting 2 diamonds.  They are sparrow size and very cute.  Doves are pets that only need to be fed.  I would prefer a budgie which think of you as their best friend.

  7. budgie make weird sounds so get a dove

  8. Doves are messy p**p machines. A single budgie with a lot of attention and toys will be a happy chirping machine :) Obviously I suggest getting a budgie.

  9. i would get a dove

    budgies are soo loud!

  10. The biggest question you need to ask yourself is how much time do you have to give to your pet? Doves are more independent than budgies. If you want to teach and work with your bird I think a budgie would be best and if you purchased a male, he would be a better talker. Females usually don't talk much.  DON'T give your new pet more time than you can always give to him or her. It is very unfair to them when you give them 5 or 6 hours in the beginning and only 1-2 hours down the road when you go back to school. Please read up on your bird before purchasing him. They aren't like a cat or dog in their needs. Good Luck

  11. Budgies can be hand tamed very easily, and aren't very loud.  Plus, budgies can talk in this really cute high-pitched voice.
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