
Budgie Parakeets ... Someone with experience?

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i have 2 budgie parakeets.

one male about 2 or 3 and a female about 1 they just meet a couple days ago.

how long will it take for them to lay eggs.

how long does it take for a female to have eggs? i have the nest and everything. i just need to know how long does it take? about...




  1. OK first of all how old are they?? second of all you should quarantine the bird for at LEAST 30 days before introducing them because if he/she is sick she/he will get sick. Plus you shouldn't just throw a bird in they can hurt/or kill each other! How would YOU like it if i threw in a female and told you to share your place with her and mate with her?  third of all you can only tell the gender of a bird from a blood test/sexing. fourth of all you should know what ur doing and be getting information from a breeder/vet/or reliable website. and fifth of all leave breeding to the experts.

    What would you do if your female started egg binding? (not getting an egg to pass) If this happenes you have less han hour to get medical attetion before she dies. What would you do if the female DID lie the eggs but didn't sit on them? You would have to buy an incubator and turn them 6 times a day. Or if the male or female started to peck/pluck their feathers off? You would have to raise them and hand-feed them which i doubt you know who to do. What if they didn't feed them? You would have to feed them about every 3 hours at first. Do you know what to feed weaning birds or a pregant bird? Do you think your gonna make MONEY well let me tell you it COSTS more money then you will get to take care of them and get them VET checked. Plus did you even go to the vet to see if ur birds are healthy to mate! PLUS do you have ENOUGH room in the cage for all those babies to run around and fly? PLEASE recocider and buy the other birdie a cage and keep them as LOVING PETS.

  2. its not breeding time of year but this site has great stuff about mating and stuff

  3. Well it is going to take them a while to be sexually attracted to each other so don't put a box in with them for at least a month. Parakeets as with hook bill birds breed best in the winter months, if they breed it will be about 10 days before she lays eggs then about 21 days before they hatch depending on the warmth or coolness of the room air. But please while they are breeding through the months it takes you will have to try not to bother them during this time, parakeets are known to kill their babies if you interfere with them and try messing with the babies too soon.

  4. one male about 2 or 3 what? months? if the female is 1 month old, she's too young to lay eggs, may cause egg binding

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