
Budgie Showing?!?

by  |  earlier

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I was recently given a budgie by a respected breeder. i have been told by a number of people that he is good enough to be shown. How can I get started? I am 14 years old by the way....thanks anyway x




  1. look in weekly paper called 'cage and avairy' or look on the 'parrot soceity' for details of shows in your area. normally for booking into a show there will be a name and number of someone to contact, they will give you advice if you call them.

    good luck

  2. Join your local bird club as it is usually the clubs that put on the shows.


  3. Get in touch with the breeder that sold you the budgie. I am sure he can give you the information you need. Or if you live in UK go to WHSmith and get a magazine on birds. In the back you will find out about shows. Good Luck.

  4. Hi,

    First thing is really in order to show birds you need more than one and so need to be a breeder. Secondly i think but i'm not sure that the bird being exhibited has to have been bred by yourself but not 100% on that.

    But if you still wnat to exhibit your bird then you need to join your local budgie club, and then start entering into their shows. But in order to show your bird there are many requirements such as you need it to be registered with the british budgie society and has to have a ring to show this (they charge a fee), secondly in order to show your budgie you need budgie show cages which have to be that years cage older ones will not do.

    And finally in order to show them you need them to have perfect plumage, and you may need to pluck feathers, wash the bird etc in orber to bring it in to condition so there is a lot of work to do so is not for the faint hearted, and i have breed birds for many years but even the challenge of showing is to great for me.

    But good luck if you decde to do it.

  5. There are sure to be clubs by you. Go to the library and ask there or the pet shop.

  6. The first thing you need to do is find out where your nearest Budgie Society is ,this information you could get from the person that sold you the bird!

    He will tell you all you need to know,such as the type and size of cage that you will need to show your bird in.

    He will more than likely be happy to give you all the information you need,for the showing and preparation of your bird for showing,Ask him where the local clubs are.?

    Ther is no better person to ask than the person you bought your bird from.
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