
Budgie - brown scabby beak/nose?

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The part above my 4 year old budgies beak (the blue part) is a yellowish brown colour and is scaly or peeling. Its been like that since i got him as a baby It looks dry and i don't know what it is. ive given him fresh food and water everyday and he has adequate shell grit and cuttlefish bones!

please help if you know what it is! he doesnt seem to be affected by it, but i just want to make sure its not a problem!!!

thanks in advance




  1. Google "Scaley Face on Budgies"

  2. Is your bird a definite Male? or is a Female as this is the colour of a female.

    Has it gone or going through the moult,if so this sometimes happens,try feeding it some fresh Greens such as Broccoli,Spinach ,Kale ,a little Carrot and if you can get some Dandelion leaves (if you live in u.k.)or there seeding heads before they burst try these.

    You can also give it some soaked sprouting seed,to do this soak some of it's seed in warm water over-night,drain ,rinse place some-where warm till it sprouts (2-3 days)and feed this ,use Small quantities of all the above so as not to waste them.

    Try a solution of warm water instead of Mite spray,when you spray him .2 teaspoons of 1/2 litre of water

  3. there is a condition called scaly face that makes a budgies cere (nose) turn brown and crusty. it is caused by mites. if that is what he has you can get a medicine from the pet shop and dab it on every day with a cotton bud. google pictures of it and see if you think this is what he has. the condition is eventually fatal but only in its very late stages so if you catch it quick there should be no problem!

    budgies ceres can turn brown as they get older, but he is only four, so it is probably not age related.

    it could also possibly be a mineral deficiency, you can buy him a bird multi vitamin and put it in his water. make sure he has plenty of fresh foods as well as his seed!

    i hope this helps! good luck with your budgie!!

    cool thats good! just try the multi vitamin and lots of fresh veg and fruit, like people thier feathers and scales (not that people have feathers and scales i'm thinking more of our skin and hair) may look poor if they are lacking something. it could just be him though if he has had it for a long time!

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