My budgie is about 6-7 months old. He's been loosing feathers now and then, but i was told it is ok. he also had nearly bald spots under his wings, but it l think it was just because of his young age.. and it's almost entirely covered with feathers now.
Lately, he's been loosing feathers nonstop! Last night when I came to clean his cage, I collected a handful of feathers around it! All lost in one day! And sometime last week he lost one of his tail feathers. Oh, and in the back, between his wings, there's a new bald spot - it's not all that bald, but it's getting there. I'm so worried. We do have the protection from insects (mites and something else) hanging on his cage. I took out his cuddle bone about 2 weeks ago and still didn't replace it. That's the only change I could think of. What's wrong with my bird??