
Budgie help!!! (please guys, im really worried!)?

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My budgie is about 6-7 months old. He's been loosing feathers now and then, but i was told it is ok. he also had nearly bald spots under his wings, but it l think it was just because of his young age.. and it's almost entirely covered with feathers now.

Lately, he's been loosing feathers nonstop! Last night when I came to clean his cage, I collected a handful of feathers around it! All lost in one day! And sometime last week he lost one of his tail feathers. Oh, and in the back, between his wings, there's a new bald spot - it's not all that bald, but it's getting there. I'm so worried. We do have the protection from insects (mites and something else) hanging on his cage. I took out his cuddle bone about 2 weeks ago and still didn't replace it. That's the only change I could think of. What's wrong with my bird??




  1. Sounds like he is molting. Changing his feathers. most birds do this once to twice a year depending on the breed. Look to see if yu can see new feathers growing in. Sometimes birds will pluck their feathers due to the molt or due to illness. You would see him do this. Feel free to mist him with warm water but keep him out of all drafts after doing so. If it keeps up call your vet or the store he came from and see what they say about it. They can treat for mites and lice. It is unlikely he would have these unless he got them from petstore. those mite and lice blocks are stinky and I dont use them. I get meds from the vet if I have problems with my birds. Good luck :)

  2. Have you tryed to put a bird bath on the front of the cage maybe your bird has bry skin .

  3. get him a molting aid, they sell these as a treat stick or mix or as a conditioning spray. or.......he may be pulling out his feathers which is a sign of stress. ask a vet.

  4. Get the mite protection off his cage because he could be stressed out from it. They advise not to use them because the fumes can be toxic. If he is under stress he may self pluck or if he is super bored. Put a cuttle bone back in get rid of the insecticide on his cage and make sure he has enough toys and his cage position is not to close to a door a window or other pets that want to eat him. Hope this helps.

  5. i would have him see a vet.  Feather picking can occur in budgies but it is not as common as it is in the larger parrots. It does not sound like a normal molt (when they molt normally, yes you will see lots of feathers but no bald spots and they don't loose all the tail feathers at once).  I would bring him to a vet familiar with birds.  There are some viruses that can cause feather loss.  Also the vet can check him for mites/lice or fungus.  Birds are sensitive to lots of chemicals so i would be careful what kind of substances are used.  AAV.ORG has a list of bird vets.

  6. Okokok. This has a few possible reasons:

    1. It is in molting season.

    Budgies would normally moult twice or thrice every year.

    2. It has a kind of disease

    There is a kind of disease that cause birds to loose big amount of feathers.

    3. It fought with another budgie

    MY budgie fough with his cage mate and hey! most of  his feathers dropped out.

  7. He is probably just molting. But since he is losing so much feathers he might be sick or something. You should go to and go to the live help thing and ask them whats going on.

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