
Budgie mission "First time out of cage SUCCESS"...?

by  |  earlier

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Great, Now how in the heck do I get them back in there? LOL

They've been out for about 2 and 1/2 hours now, they will land on me but even with millet won't let me get near to their cage! They are having way too much fun... :-)

I have never grabbed them because I don't want to stress them, but I guess I have no choice... any advice on how to do this as peacefully as possible? Or another option?

(They are in a room that is completely secure and safe)





  1. Well, when my roommate's budgie got out of the cage, we chased him around a bit, trying to catch him (he was not at all tame), but that didn't work.  So we took the entire top off the cage so it'd be easier to get him back in, then I went after him with a shoe box.  But when he saw the crazy girl coming at him, trying to trap him in a box, he flew right back into the cage.

  2. yea what i did with my budgie when i first let him out and he didn't want to get back in, hehe, i threw a towel over him.

    Once you do this..he doesn't move and you can just pick him up through the towel and gently place him back in .


    good luck.!

  3. if i were u, i wouldnt grab them, u would lose theyre trust. how about when theye get onto 1 finger, use the othr hand and feed them milllet spray, then EVER SO SLOWLY, walk to the cage, and put them in there, with the millet. or u could just wait untill they get hungry and tired

  4. You are going to have to grab them carefully and put them back in the cage.  

    So that this doesn't happen again I reccomend clipping your birds wings. Unclipped birds can easily panic and fly into windows, glass doors, or mirrors, injuring themselves. They can fly into kitchens and land on hot stoves, burners, and pans. They can fly into overhead ceiling fans or dangerous electrical appliances. Small birds, able to get into smaller spaces, have flown into open cupboards and drawers and been locked in or have gotten trapped behind refrigerators. Others have drowned in open toilet bowls.

    We have all heard that 'Curiosity killed the cat'. This old adage applies to your birds too. There are many things around our homes that are toxic or dangerous to birds, lead paint, household cleaners, etc. A flighted bird can reach such items more easily. There is no end to the number of dangerous and lethal items that your bird may find attractive, edible and/or perchable.

    Getting their wings clipped will also give you a chance to tame them so that will be follow your commands (e.g. placing them back in the cage) more easily.

  5. just grab them gentally n put them back in the cage or u put the cage near them n hopefully they would want to came back in

  6. just grab them gently don't worry their not gonna get scared.

    and that towel thing im pretty sure that will frighten then so dont even try that. but yeah once they do get hungry they will fly

    to their cage as long as they see it.. to eat!.


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