
Budgies feathers missing?

by  |  earlier

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i have a female budgie and i noticed that some of her feathers on her head are missing and a whole bunch of feathers that are supposed to be above her cere are missing

im really worried

what could it be?

o and there are 6 other birds in the same cage

the cage is big





  1. Feather loss can be the result of improper diet (seed only), improper lighting (they need direct sunlight or special lighting that simulates sunlight), lack of bathing (birds needs baths or need to be misted to keep feathers in good condition), lack of humidity in the room (results in dry skin), or some other physical or medical problem.  It might be wise to rule these out via a trip to the vet.

  2. maybe your budgie is just growing up, i used to have budgies myself. ^^

  3. They do look a bit "ragged" there once in a while, when a large percentage of the feathers are in various stages of regrowing. The feathers there are a bit more gauzy than the body and cheek feathers, and easier to see skin through a gap. Your bird may also just be rapidly molting to the adult coloration.

    There are things to check out about it though:

    How do the other birds treat her? That sounds a little like feather plucking.

    How is her health?

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