
Budgies fighting and Budgies corn (help me asap)?

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want should i do if my budgies are fighting

my blue budgies cree is blue and purpule

my yellow budgies cree is brown

my yellow budgies made my blue budgies bleed and made a big bump on his haed.

If i seperrat them should i put them in diffrent rooms

I dont have that much spaecs in my other room so is it go to put them close to each other

and for how long should i seperat them?

For the corn should I boil it?

Should i breack the corn in little pices and were to put the corn if i breack it?

Or shoud i leave the core at the both?

Shoud i hang it on a string?

wicth is best




  1. I used to have budgies and before i bought them, the lady at the petstore warned us about budgies fighting if they didnt like eachother. fortunatly it never happened with my birds.

    but what you should do is get another cage and seperate them. try keeping them in the same room but if they are acting wierd, like still yelling at eachother or things like that, put them in different rooms away from eachother.

    keep them seperated for quite a while. maybe a week or more. and then try putting them back together for a bit and just watch what happens when you do. You have to becareful because they will fight eachother to death if they dont like eachother!

    as for the corn, is it just regular corn u are going to feed the budgies? if so, then yes maybe u should boil it and then seperate some of the little peices and hang the rest off a string. you have to see how your bird will react to it. sometimes they dont like it, and sometimes they will not know what it is. my budgie used to be afraid of carrots and other vegetables but he loved bread and pizza too! Hahaha.

    just test it out, see how it goes, u have to get to kno your budgies and their tastes!

    best of luck! :)

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