
Buffalo, is it really that bad?

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I've heard so many bad things about buffalo and the only good thing I hear is that the cost of living is low. I know that that usually means that the city doesn't have much to offer. The only thing drawing my attention there is it's proximity to canada and the Niagara falls area. But what's so bad about it? I'm not a high maintenance guy so would it still be to much of a hassle there? Thanks to all who reply!




  1. i've never heard anything bad about buffalo. i live near there and i think it's a fine city. lots of malls, restaurants, bars, etc. nice big casino. and it's so close to canada and niagara falls, like you said. it's great!! i think it has lots to offer!  and honestly , the cost of living is not "low".. compared to New York City, it is lower, but overall it is not considered 'low' compared to other parts of the country.

  2. Buffalo itself has been a vivtim of a general downturn in the industries that once enriched it so.  As a port and rail center, its fate was tied to the heavy industries and manufacturing that are now gone.

    I have a friend who lives in nearby Cheektowaga and he still enjoys living there.

  3. I went to school for 4 years in Buffalo.  The surrounding area is actually quite nice, places like Amherst, Orchard Park, etc.

    I lived in Amherst and commuted in.  It was pretty good.

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