
Bug help PLEASE?

by  |  earlier

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A week ago I recently moved into a new apartment. Since I moved in there are these flying bugs that are very, very tiny. Not even as big as a grain of rice. They are brown or black, I can't tell because they're so small. I also have recieved several plants from my grandmother on the day I moved in. The only produce I have in my house or have had since I moved in are red potatoes. I don't see them hovering over the trash or plants though. They don't make a noise when they fly by me. My boyfriend said that one bit him today.

I wanted to know what they are and how I rid my house of them for good. No matter how many I smash they keep coming because I think they are reproducing like crazy. They are bugging the c**p out of me, no pun intended.




  1. have you seen them over your drains or by your sinks? sounds like sewer flies,put stoppers in all your drains and see if that helps,it might take a few days.if they reduce in amount then call your leasing office and have the apt. bombed by the pest control co. they will also tell you what to do as far as the drains if thats the problem

  2. There are so many ways to describe a bug, and so many parts to one that it would be better for you to use a bug guide.  I'll give you a few links to start, then you may better know how to search from there.  

    [This site is a bunch of naturalists that discuss bugs and identify them together.  They  usually have a lot of pictures, but they know their bug parts and may not always say it in plain english for us who are a bit more ignorant about bugs.]

         This may be a good place to start, because the walk-through guide starts with basic questions, like: does it have wings?  pick the body type..., etc. then does the search for bugs with similar descriptions.
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