
Bugbites!! PLEASE help!!!?

by Guest55662  |  earlier

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I got soo many bug bites from being outside after dark the other looks like I have the chicken pox...and I know I dont cause i got them when i was 2...

and ideas to get rid of them FAST!! school starts in 2 dayzzzzzz!!!

and i might want to wear capris the first day...





  1. I don't know anything about covering up or hiding. Ask a makeup expert about that. But for clearing them up, my favorite remedy is to rub a dab of tea tree oil on bug bites. It will help heal the bite and it will help relieve the itching. It's good for just about any minor skin problem. It clears up zits fast! It's good for rashes. It's good for fungus. It's good for minor cuts or scrapes. A small bottle can be found at Wal-Mart or many drug stores - usually with the vitamins and herbal products - for maybe $4-$6.

  2. Take some baking soda and add a bit of water so that it becomes a paste and apply to the bites. It should help.  

  3. 3 things I do that help the itching and reduce the coloration and swelling:

    1. Wipe entire area with vinegar.

    2. Take oatmeal bath.

    3. Apply a poultice of with baking soda or oatmeal to the bites, allow to dry completely.

  4. ew that is disgusting. sorry but try putting cream on it. and if it doesnt go away just dont scratch it and wear pants a maybe a light sweater. thats all i can suggest

  5. coverup cream

  6. Take an anti-histamine like benadryl.  Then you can also put a face astringent or toner on the bites to dry them out too.  DO NOT scratch!!!!!!  

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