
Bugs in my walls?

by Guest56934  |  earlier

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I have tried to google this an just cant really find anything. So i hope someone here can help. I have been having alot of bug problems. Flys, fleas an spiders. We got our house fogged an it killed them all. I have noticed now two seperate times these long black, slimy looking worm like bugs with a bunch of legs going in an out of cracks in our walls. Once in the kitchen, once in the bathroom. They move really fast. I was pressed along the wall in the bathroom trying to see if i could get it to come out an noticed my wall is very hallow, just pressing on it i could tear it done easily. What the h**l are these things an why do i have them? I have had nothing but bug problems sense i have moved into this apartment. Only been here a month. The people before me had dogs, cats, ferrets, lizzards, snakes. Im so creeped outttt. PLEASE help me\.




  1. It depends on just how fast the bugs move.  Centipedes are very fast, with many legs, and look slick.  Millipedes are slower, smaller, and also look slick.  My guess is that you have centipedes.  You have every right to be disgusted.  I would call a pest control to come out and put down a boric acid powder or a diatomaceous earth powder to control them.  I don't know where you live--you didn't say--but in humid climates in particular, you're gonna get bugs.  In the south we have these less-than-adorable critters called cave crickets, which are huge, disgusting, hopping nasty suckers that make you sick when they hop on you.  Warmer and wetter the weather, the more they come out.  Black widows too.  So--don't feel like you're the only one--but ask your exterminator for either of those solutions, they're environmentally friendly.

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