
Building/Trade Career Help?

by  |  earlier

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Hi There

My partner has been trying to get an apprenticeship for 3 years now with no luck - he is currently a labourer. He has no formal qualifications as he left school at a young age. He wanted to go back to college, but to get an NVQ you had to be employed in the trade.

He isn't picky - he just wants to learn a trade that will give him a steady future. He enjoys plumbing, bricklaying and carpentry the most though - he has had experience labouring for all.

He is now considering paying to do an electrician or plumbing course privately (at a cost of around £3000) to get a head start. He is 21 yrs old but lives on his own so had to have an income.

What should he do? Are these courses a good idea - can you suggest a specific one for any trade. He lives in Ilford. I am at my wits end - never knew it would be so hard - especially when he is such a good worker! He's a grafter!

Any advice you could offer would be VERY much appreciated!

Cheers all x




  1. Has he tried contacting building companies, plumbing businesses etc.

    They may be able to offer him an apprenticeship or even be able to point him in the right direction.

  2. im kind of in the same situation. i think what he should do is go to college and they will be able to help him with on site training.

  3. I don't believe that after a £3000 electrician or plumbing course he will have much of a chance in todays job market without practical experience.There are loads of EU workers out there willing to work for low wages  construction is a fickle industry.I would advise him to try a course as a Slinger/Banksman and obtain a CPSC in same there is a real shortage of such workers and EU workers do not have command of English so can't usually get the qualification.Its well paid work and a course is around £2000.just click it in on line & he will find courses.

    Wishing you both a good future

  4. It's a good idea to go in for a course, would be better if he worked for a construction company because I am guessing he probably works through an agency which means nothing to most companies.

    most of all no one is going to be interested in someone who doesn''t know if he wants to be a bricklayer, carpenter,electrician or a plumber.

    He needs to deside on one and go for it fall on.

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