
Building Windmills for Power?

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I was wondering if Building Windmills for Power is worth it? How much money can I save?




  1. Yes, Building windmills for powers is worth it if you get the right plans, I built My Windmill With The Plans From This Site: . It only took me 1 afternoon to do the entire thing. My electric bill went from 400 dollars a month to 50 dollars a month. I save 350 Dollars every month now! Give it a Try!

  2. Yes its worth it.

    You can sell your extra power to electric company's.

  3. most definitely...theyre building three on our ranch...times are a changing...itd be better also if some ...bad stuff happens in our country's future.

  4. doug selsam go look him up

    good luck

  5. Building a windmill is not necessarily a good thing. You have, first of all, to have an idea of how much power you want, and how much power you can extract.

    You have to find a wind map (this one is for Europe, but you can find them for any place in the world to see if you have powerful winds. If you don't belive the map, you can measure the winds by yourself, you can buy some anemometer, or even contract a company (depending on your budget).

    When you finally know the average windspeed you get per day, you should try the following calculation:

    P = 0.5*(air density)*(pi*(rotor radius)^2)*(windspeed)^3

    (air density - between 1.0(kg / cubic meter) and 1.225 for most places

    pi - 3.1415926535... (always, hehe)

    rotor radius - in meters, usually it's hard to build a cheap rotor with 2 or more meters in radius

    windspeed - in meters/second

    P - power in Watts)

    This is the IDEAL power one can extract with a wind turbine in your area. Now, a factor related to your project and building habilities:

    Theoretical limit: aprox 57% of the ideal power

    Commercial wind turbines: between 40-50% of the ideal power

    Home made: <30% of the ideal power

    If you are going to buy a commercial wind turbine, keep in mind that the rated power (the one that they specify the turbine) is the power extracted when the wind is about 12m/s, and that is A LOT for most places in the world.

    Now, you can calculate if it's worth. Usually it's worth in places near the sea, where you have relatively strong winds for a long period of time. So take care when using your precious money, because if you don't analyse the investment carefully, you may be spending it on a beautiful lightning rod!

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