
Building a Dark Yugioh Deck?

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I have always wanted to build a dark yugioh deck. Now that there are so many powerful dark cards, I think it is possible to build an unstoppable one. I have just about every strong dark card possible. I have a checklist and have at least 1 of every single card in Lost Millennium, Cybernetic Revolution, Elemental Energy, Shadow of Infinity, Enemy of Justice, Power of the Duelist, Cyberdark Impact, Strike of Neos, Force of Breaker & Tactical Evolution. There are just way too many cards for me to make to make a perfect deck. I can't decide which cards to use. Can you help me build a 40 card deck using these cards?




  1. Most of the best cards for a dark deck are in phantom darkness.

    So here is a good list:

    Monsters: 23

    1-Dark Armed Dragon

    1-The Dark Creator

    1-Dark lord Zerato

    1-Darknight Parshath

    1-Dark Horus

    1-Dark Nephtys

    2-Strike Ninja

    3-Dark Crusader

    2-Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer

    1-Spirit Reaper


    2-Cyber Valley

    3-Armageddon knight

    1-Morphing Jar

    1-Breaker The Magical Warrior

    1-Bazoo The Soul Eater

    Spells: 10

    1-Monster Reborn

    1-Swords Of Revealing Light

    1-Nobleman Of Crossout

    1-Tribute To The Doomed

    2-Allure Of Darkness

    1-The beginning Of The End

    1-Enemy Controller

    1-Heavy Storm

    1-Lightning Vortex

    Traps: 7

    2- Escape From The Dark Dimension

    2-Sakuretsu Armor

    1-Torrential Tribute

    1-Mirror Force

    1-Magic Cylinder

  2. A Dark deck won't do too well from cards in those packs alone. In order to build an extravagant Dark deck, you NEED cards from Phantom Darkness, it is just a fact that is proven worthwhile.

  3. Hello. There ar literally an endless variety of DARK decks you can create, and the theme's power has only grown with Yugioh 5Ds on the horizon. The most infamous DARK Deck in the current Metagame is Dark Armed Dragon Turbo. Here's an example of such a Deck:

    MONSTERS: 22

    2 Dark Armed Dragon

    2 The Dark Creator

    1 Darklord Zerato

    3 Armageddon Knight

    1 Dark Magician of Chaos

    2 Caius The Shadow Monarch

    3 Dark Grepher

    1 Elemental Hero Stratos

    1 Destiny Hero Dasher

    2 Destiny Hero Malicious

    1 D-Hero Disk Commander

    2 Destiny Hero Fear Monger

    1 Morphing Jar

    SPELLS: 16

    3 Destiny Draw

    3 Trade-In

    2 Allure of Darkness

    2 Foolish Burial

    2 D.D Reincarnation

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 Premature Burial

    1 MST

    1 Heavy Storm

    Traps: 4

    1 Crush Card Virus

    1 Mirror Force

    1 Torrential Tribute

    1 Return From D.D.

    This Deck is a replication of an SJC Deck from Oregon, I believe. The traps are bare minimum in lieu of ridiculuos draw power, and the destructive power is nothing to laugh at, either. With 50% of the spell lineup dedicated to draw power, odds are that the opening hand would contain at least one draw spell, resulting in instant hand advantage. With the deck doing so much removal, the 2 D.D. Reincarnation were added to balance out the Deck, and push for extra field presence. The Deck could also very easily draw into its traps when they were needed; adding more would only result in dead draws, with the player drawing unnecessary Trap cards.

    This is only one example of the variety of DARK decks being played. Yubel, Dark toolbox, DarkWorld... the possibilities are nearly endless. With a little creativity, I'm sure you can come up with a DARK deck that would make anyone quake in their boots.

    Until next time, Happy Dueling!!!

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