
Building a PC (fixed broken link)?

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I am building a PC for general use, nothing hard core, just basic internet use, movies, basic gaming. Here > < is a link to a list of parts I am considering buying to assemble for this PC, take a look and let me know if I have any conflicting parts. The motherboard has an onboard video and audio card, I may add a better one later, but not right now.

sorry about the broken link the first time




  1. one compatibility issue from what I see from the pictures for the computer case I dont see any power connectors for the SATA devices which you will need at least 2 of them there are a couple of suggestions I have you don&#039;t really need the extra SATA cable since the motherboard comes with some unless you think your going to have the cable falling out all the time and I take it your getting the 40 GB IDE hard drive  for the OS while using the 250 GB for storage I would get them both as SATA you have enough ports for it and the read and write speeds are much faster and it doesnt cost that much for a SATA drive they are becoming cheaper then the IDE drives and a side note unless your going to build 8 computers and fill up every possible SATA port on the boards  even though you only have 2 devices to use them on your quanity is messed up

  2. For some reason it shows up with 8 of each item, and you would think the &#039;egg would give a better bulk discount - anyhow, I would swap the 40gb IDE hdd with this one

    same price (well only $1 more lol), double the capacity and sata will give better throughput.

    Also that case/psu combo leaves a bit to be desired, I would also ditch it in favor of this one

    Antec NSK4480B Black w/ EA380


    It&#039;s a better case and a better power supply despite the fact it is only 380w it is *much* better quality (shameless newegg pic reference )

    One thing I like about the NSK4480, even thought it only has a single 80mm front mount the side panel vents are very easily modded for 80mm intake fans if needed.  Combined with the default 120mm rear fan it can have a pretty good cooling capacity.


  3. That will work as long as you realize you&#039;re not gonna be doing stellar gaming with that onboard graphics. Like you said--can add a card later. Contrary to what someone said thats a PCI slot fan so it doesn&#039;t matter what fans the case will support--It will work. May wanna change your quantities unless you plan on building a bunch of them. LOL.

  4. 1. why are you ordering 8 of everything, and 64 sata cables? just make sure that everything is the right quantity.

    2. you have 2 hard drives there, one thats 250 GB sata, and one thats 40GB ATA. your motherboard can support one ATA, and one SATA.

    3. you only need 1 SATA cable for your hard drive and 1 cable for your CD DRIVE.

    4 your processors FSB isnt high enough to be on your motherboard. your processor is 800FSB, and your motherboard only takes 1333/1066MHz.  so you need to find a diffrent processor.

    5. your ram matches your motherboard. and i suggest that your buy 2 GB of RAM.

    6 your motherboard fits in your case.

    7. you can have a max of 5 fans. 2 in the back 2 in the side and 2 in the front. you can buy 2 more 80mm fans. really dont need that PCI cooler, with your 5 fans running.

    9. everything will work if you get a diffrent CPU with a greater FSB, and you can look for a 5 controller fan speed thing. but thats rpetty much it. everything looks good.

    choose the 250GB HD, and you should be good.  

  5. everything looks ok, you orderd a 90MM fan but your case only supports 3 , 80MM fans, im pretty sure everythings good.  

  6. its ok check the motherboard capability with the stuff though oh and you forgot a video card for faster iternet and better graphics

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