
Building a bin-cage add-on for my 2 dwarf's.... drill bit???:S?

by Guest65774  |  earlier

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OK, so my 2 babys are currently in a Crittertrail 2 and i use Carefresh ULTRA for them. i am going to purchase the supplies to make a bin-cage add on to that cage... ready for my AWESOME idea??!?!??!!? ok here it is!!!:


lol, ok ell i want to get one of those long but low rubbermaid storage bins and add it onto my cage after i transform it into a bincage. im going to do the lid in 3 or 4 sections, with 2 inches inbetween them since the lid is so big. i am going to keep carefresh for theyre amin cage, but the run will have aspen wood chips in it. i am also going to get a water bottle for it soon.SO.. my question IS sinc i am connecting it via tubes, how big of a drillit do i need to attatch the tube to the cage? and aprx how much will the bit cost? TY! (PS: i want inches sizes please!!)




  1. I have not built a bin cage myself but the following link will explain to you clearly how to do it.

    The above link will give the sxact dimensions of the drill bits that you require.

    Bin cages are one of the cheapest cages to build, so I am sure the cost would be very nominal in comparison to buying a new cage from the shop.

    All the best for your new bin cage!

    I don't think connecting one bin on top of the other is a good idea - since the idea is to make space for them to play, better to connect both the bins side by side to your critter trail and put lots of toys in it so that your hamsters would have a vast playground to play around with.

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