
Building a gaming pc to play warcraft for around 500?

by  |  earlier

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I would like it to cost less than 500 but i dont want to spend more then i have to i just want to play this game with no lag and extremely good quality, this is a old game i dont think it would be to hard:

also if i would have to only pay maybe 100 dollars more to get a much better pc then i would do that i have to get a new monitor and new speakers to maybe a new mouse and keyboard later and i cant spend that much i can run the game on my computer now and this computer is really old 6-7 years windows xp and it runs it good but i get lag spikes and the quality could be better

do you think this is possible the most i could spend would probaly be 700 for new montitor speakers and a new computer JUST to play this game top quality i want to get my parts at it would be really cool if you could list the parts i would need




  1. a gaming computer for under 500 will be very diffucult.  after you install a good video card ($100), 3gig of ram ($75), hard drive ($85), and then a windows os ($150).  good luck

  2. Easy!   Just buy the same components chosen by Tom's Hardware for their $500 gaming PC challenge.  See the first link for a complete list of parts.

    They built this machine back in April, but prices have dropped since then.  Today the same build would cost you less- or you can upgrade some components for a better system (E2200 processor instead of E2160, for example)  

    Nowadays you can get the 8800GT for $120 or 9600GT for $99 after rebate- less than what they paid for the 8800GS (crazy, ain't it)  Probably overkill for World of Warcraft, but still tempting.

    However,  those cards might need a 450W power supply, so you'd have to factor that into your budget. Or just buy the same card they used (now known as the 9600GSO) for $89 after rebate.

    Hope this helps!

  3. you should try looking on craigslist or ebay

  4. Just get a new graphics card for your XP. Also make sure it has like 2-3GB of RAM.

    This would cost around $100 - $250

  5. start with a 780G motherboard, add a cheap AMD 2x, 1G of G.Skill memory and a Radeon 3850 graphics card.  Kicks butt!

  6. i dont think you would have to fork out all that much just to play world of warcraft

  7. If you wish to build a good gaming PC 500 may not be enough, obviously the components you need to concentrate on are:

    . Graphics and sound cards (For graphics possibly purchasing the NVIDIA GEFORCE 8800 GT 512 **Expensive**, not so familiar with any outstanding sound cards)

    . CPU Heatsink (If you are on a tight budget, you would need to purchase an air-cooled heatsink but if you are going to pull out all of the stops a liquid-cooled heatsink would be beneficial.)

    . Processor (You should purchase a processor of at least 1.86 Ghz +,  2.6 is probably another beneficial component)

    . RAM/Memory (Around 2GB RAM and 250-500 GB Memory)

    . A large amount of USB connections. (Ideally around 6+)

    . For the OS, most gamers use the Windows Vista Capable.

    Hope this helped, put alot of effort into this. (A best answer would be appreciated ;)

  8. It would be pretty tough. You would have to buy a Motherboard, Case, RAM, Processor, Graphics Card, etc. You'll have to dish out a bit more than $500. You could buy one however. If you want go to they have a bunch of computer parts and other electronics for cheap.

    Check out this Gaming computer for $600: .

    You could check out this guide on building computers if you want: .

    Hope that helps.

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