
Building a pot in Omaha H/L?

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How do you build up a pot while also minimizing the risk of getting beat?

For example, let's say I flop the wheel. I'm vulnerable to a higher straight, a flush or a possible fh. how much should i bet when i have pretty much the nuts on the flop? do you guys just bet big to take it down right away?




  1. i would assume you're talking pot limit here, since you're asking about bet sizing

    to answer the question, it really depends on the number of players in the pot...using your example of flopping a wheel, it is very dangerous in the first place to have a wheel with no redraws for the high side in a multiway pot because you are at risk to get depending on the exact flop texture and the number of opponents, it may not be profitable to even bet a wheel on the flop; for example, if you have A-2-x-x and the flop is 3-4-5, you are very vulnerable to a better straight and if there are a lot of opponents then one of them is almost certain to have A-2 in their hand as well, which would make the hand worth little more than a check-fold

    now in a heads-up pot, with a different texture, sometimes the hand may be worth a full pot bet...say you raise preflop with A-K-5-4 and the flop comes down you've got the nut straight and the nut low, with only one opponent who may only be going for the high side if he has something like A-2-x-x, A-3-x-x, or A-A-x-x, meaning you would have half of the pot locked up

    so really, sometimes there are situations where you have to totally focus your attention on losing the minimum with a supposedly strong hand, and other times when your focus needs to be on building the pot...playing this game pot-limit, i would advise you to err on the side of caution more often than not; if you play it in limit, i would err on the side of aggression, because you will get a better price on your calls, even if the best possible scenario is a chop

    as a side note, i'm really glad you've chosen to learn a complex game like omaha many people get caught in the no-limit hold'em craze and refuse to learn other games, and those people don't understand the beauty of all poker forms

  2. I'm always cautions with the nut low wheel in O8 H/L, mainly because someone else may have the same hand and you can lose money (getting quarter'ed).  

    bottom line....  it depends on your position, chip stack size, number of players in the pot, and your read on the other players.  if you know several people are playing for low draws, play cautious or fold.  if you think you have the only low hand, bet big.   my personal gauge is:  if 4 or more people are calling the bets, I'll bet my low hand becuz at the minimum Ill get even money back if I tie the low hand.

  3. Omaha H/L is usually a limit or pot limit game.  You have to use your position wisely.  If you are in first position with one or two others, bet it. A bet (if limit) or Pot-size bet (if pot limit) represents your hand.  If you get raised, re-raise it as much as possible.  If you're holding the nuts, they're drawing.  But if they have a higher opened + flush draw they have many outs. Especially if your other cards can't help improve your hand.  Put the pressure on them.  Do not give free cards in Omaha.

    Another thing to consider is if they're on the low draw. If they're just calling, they're probably on a draw.  If you get raised, maybe they already have the low filled and they're holding the A2 nut low.

    But what ever you do, be prepared to fold if a three flush or higher straight card comes out. It's hard to do but more people bust in Omaha holding onto the nut flop even when everything screams at them that they are beaten.

    But if  a blank card comes out, Push as hard as you can.  Don't check in early position, bet.  In late position, bet or raise any bet.  Put the pressure on them.  By now, they know what's happeing and you know that you stand pretty good.

    Good luck on the river.

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