
Building dirt bike track in woods any fun or unique ideas something new?

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Building dirt bike track in woods any fun or unique ideas something new?




  1. Before you starting building anything, go collect some junk.  Barrells, stoves, etc.  Anything that can take up space, this will come into handy when building jumps, you will be able to build while using less dirt.  In reference to the style of track, that is complete dependent on you and your abilities.  Just have fun and be safe.

  2. Use your imagination.

  3. well for starters like the first guy said get some old junk to build up on     but for ideas i would make a table top, step down, step up, whoops, catapults, some sweet turns and burms good luck on building it. it takes a lot of time and patience, but end the end you'll love

    p.s. i would get some hay bells on the sides for safety

  4. i went to a pro racers practice track and ask how he built it he said -------i told the guy on the dozer to just run through the woods  and turned out to be one of the best tracks i ever rode---turns out this GUY got a factory ride w/honda !!!

  5. make sweet open turns nothing is more fun than to come out of a turn sideways on a wheelie :) and collect junk as was said that helps alot

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