My former show mare was allowed to sit in a stall for her entire life. She has had no exercise other than basic training, and no chance to stretch her legs other than at a running and flat walk. I didn't know the extent of this until she was delivered today and was allowed to run (for the first time in her life! it was wonderful) and graze. But I noticed something when she bent down to eat. Her neck is plenty long, her muscles just are not at all stretched out to go down that low to the ground. By the end of the day, she seemed incredibly sore, and I had to put her food bucket up on the mounting block to let her eat it because she just could not stretch any more. I've also noticed a good bit of inflexibility in her hindquarters. Are there any stretches that you would recommend? I used to have a book about them to help my club footed mare, but I've lost it.
I also noticed how oddly her muscles have developed. Some are incredibly underused, while others are really really strong. I'm going to be beginning her on a longe line within a few weeks, and I'm going to wait a bit until I ride her, so are there any exercises you would recommend that would help her entire body? She needs work in her legs, hindquarters and shoulder area.
Also, any feed recommendations for building fat and muscle? She needs about 25lbs on her to be at an ideal weight (though with her height, 17.1hh, it might take 50lbs) and needs to get into a generally healthy shape again.