
Building of Pyramids in Egypt and Central Americas....! Is it possible that they were built by ALIENS????

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The theory being that:Aliens landed on Earth over 5000 years ago; Because of their advanced technology they became the Pharaohs and the Kings and used their knowledge to build them; mummified their body's extra; extra....




  1. as far as i know the modern technology even cannot build something like that. they cannot solve the misery like how they move such a big stone (cut in perfect size) surrounding with such a big dessert (where is the stone come from?) i cannot tell it is definitely build by aliens but it is sure a group of highly intelligence beings which are "difference" then us.

    if it is not built by aliens, why olden day people seems more advance then us? or the poor environment in the olden day made people evolved faster? i really want to know....

  2. Have you been watching the History Channel? ;0)

  3. While I am by no means an expert regarding New World archaeology, I am an expert regarding Egyptian archaeology, so this answer focuses primarily on Egyptian pyramids.

    However, the established absolute dates for the construction of pyramids in the New World puts it well after 5000 years ago and well after the construction of the majority of the Egyptian pyramids.  

    The Egyptians were perfectly capable of using the basic mathematics necessary for the construction and layout of most pyramids. Despite the superb accuracy of the layout and plan, this was not impossible for them to achieve, nor did it require calculus. While no mathematical texts from the Old Kingdom survive, texts from the Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period demonstrate a clear familiarity on the part of the Egyptians with basic arithmetic, geometry, and trigonometry.

    Tools included square levels and plumb bobs, set squares, and vertical plumb bobs (which can be seen in the Cairo Museum), as well as copper blades for stone cutting, pounding stones for dressing stone blocks, and a ridged, mushroom shaped device that may have served as a sort of "proto-pulley."

    There is absolutely no evidence that alien help was needed to construct the pyramids, which were intended as tombs for Egyptian kings.

    Some of the best evidence for human responsibility, and specifically Egyptian human responsibility dating to the 4th Dynasty, for the construction of pyramids comes from the site of Giza itself. Giza is the place most people think of when they think of Egyptian pyramids, though there are numerous pyramids in other areas of Egypt and Nubia and the Giza pyramids are by no means the earliest pyramids constructed in Egypt.

    Also of significance are a number of inscriptions associated with the so-called "Great Pyramid" of Khafre at Giza, constructed ca. 2560 BC. One of the inscriptions on a stone block making up the pyramid gives the name and regnal year of Khafre. Others bear the names given to crews of workmen responsible for moving the stone blocks into place. At least one of these inscriptions is located in an area almost impossible to reach - frequently the inscription is examined using a mirror - thus making it highly unlikely that it was a later addition.

    Pyramids in Egypt served as tombs, initially only for kings and close members of the royal family, but eventually came to be used (in much smaller forms) by the general populace.

    The pyramid is thought to have developed out of the mastaba tomb. Mastaba is an Arabic word, meaning bench, which was applied to the flat-topped, slope sided superstructures of tombs. The pyramid is also thought to be associated with solar worship and the "ben-ben" stone which played a major role in sun worship and was vaguely pyramid shaped.

    In the 3rd Dynasty, several mastabas were stacked forming the Step Pyramid of King Djoser. By the 4th Dynasty in the reign of Snefru attempts at building a true pyramid were underway. The pyramids of the 4th and 5th Dynasties, including those at Giza, essentially reflect the further refinement of the pyramid, the chambers within it, and the associated temple complexes. Eventually the standard style was an orientation of east to west (significant in Egyptian religion), with a pyramid temple, located directly on the east side of the pyramid, and a causeway leading to the "valley temple" located near the Nile at the edge of the cultivation.

    While it is accepted by reputable Egyptologists that pyramids served as burials for kings, the exact details of the theology behind them remains unclear. One idea, popularized I believe by Dr. Mark Lehner, one of the foremost experts on Egyptian pyramids, is that pyramids served as "resurrection machines" providing all the necessary means for eternal life with the gods for the dead king.

    In the late 5th Dynasty in the Pyramid of Unas at Saqqara, we have the first appearance of formal texts within the pyramid itself - the appropriately-named Pyramid Texts. These texts are somewhat esoteric and are essentially a collection of spells, stories, and guides relating to the Underworld. Initially these texts were limited to royalty. In succeeding pyramids, elements of the Pyramid Texts were included in the "Coffin Texts" of the First Intermediate and Middle Kingdom and in the "Book of the Dead" of the New Kingdom - texts available to a broad spectrum of society.

    Pyramid construction continued in the Middle Kingdom - again limited to royalty, but not on the grand scale of the Old Kingdom. The last known royal pyramids located in Egypt are that of King Ahmose, founder of the 18th Dynasty of the New Kingdom (ca. 1550 BCE) and the pyramid-cenotaph constructed for his grandmother, Queen Tetisheri. Both are located at Abydos.

    In the New Kingdom, pyramids came to be part of tombs for reasonably wealthy private individuals - frequently added to the exterior portico area of rock-cut cliff tombs or appearing as architectural elements of brick constructed tombs in various parts of Egypt.

    Artificial mummification was also a gradually development in ancient Egypt.  The earliest Egyptian mummies were not artificially preserved.  Predynastic Egyptians were buried in fairly simple pits out in the desert sand.  The desert environment created natural mummies.  It is not that far a stretch to imagine that eventually Egyptians would have become aware of this natural preservation (say, for example, by inadvertently digging a new grave into a forgotten older one and discovering the mummified remains) and attempted to begin controlling the process themselves.  In fact, it seems that the earliest attempts at artificial mummification began around the time that many people were no longer being buried in simple pits but rather in environments that were not conducive to natural mummification - such as fairly deep, stone- or brick-lined shafts where decomposition rather than preservation would be more likely to occur.  As Egyptian theology held that an image of the deceased had to exist in order for the deceased to live on in the afterlife, preserving the body as the best possible link or home for the soul was of paramount importance.  A statue, 2-dimensional image, or even an inscription of a name would do in a pinch, but the body was regarded as the best.

    Mummies do occur in the New World but, to my knowledge, they are natural mummies, primarily found in very dry, cold, high-altitude environments and, occasionally, in desert cemeteries as well.  

    In any case, mummification does not require particularly advanced technology, it merely requires certain environmental parameters or the artificial reproduction of those parameters.

    Incidentally, you are not the first person to suggest that the native Egyptians were incapable of establishing the Egyptian civilization.  In the 19th and early 20th Century some archaeologists, based on the rather racist trends in analysis of intellect and ability common at the time, suggested that Africans would have been unable to have developed a civilization as complex as ancient Egypt and, through very torturous logic, postulated the existence of a "Dynastic Race" derived from southwest Asia.  This theory has been discounted.  There is a clear and obvious (to those who can be bothered to do the research in peer-reviewed synthetic works, field reports, journal articles, etc.) gradual development of Egyptian culture and civilization through the Predynastic period and up to the Early Dynastic period and onward.  While we do not know the precise details of the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt and the establishment of a unified kingdom, it is abundantly clear from the archaeological evidence available that Egyptian civilization was an indigenous development, with contact, but not rapid invasion, with neighboring cultures.  Those neighboring cultures did not involve space aliens.

    If you would trouble yourself to read something other than sensationalist internet sites and the utter garbage published by von Daniken, Sitchen, Hancock and others, you might be able to figure that out for yourself.  However, I suspect that you are so attached to your pet theory that nothing an no one will convince you that you could possibly be wrong.  But, my suspicions have been wrong before, so, if you are interested in reading some ACCURATE information about Egyptian pyramids I suggest you look at the following:

    The Complete Pyramids by Mark Lehner

    Pyramids by Miroslav Verner

    The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt ed. Ian Shaw

    All of those texts have further bibliographic resources for your reference.

  4. No, it isn't. If aliens had done all that, there would be evidence of them today, and there is none except for the Roswell incident in 1947.

  5. Read Eric von Daniken's books or have you read it already?

  6. i don't believe that the pyramids were built by aliens. this is because we have no concrete answer nor proof to belief it. there is also the fact that many tools and markings were found showing that the pyramid was made y human beings. They were slaves to the Pharaohs. According to documentary that i have seen, I believe that they were built by man. But man at that time had a lot of imagination and the will power to do things. For example today we have built on so many skycrapers and marvelous things.We are not aliens. But we have the willingness and the ability to do them Men had never thought of flying before the two brothers who made the first airplane. But today we have so many jets and even satelites. There is also the fact that they had tools for these work. they had alot of man power in the forms of slaves.

  7. No.  If an outside agency, be they aliens or Atlanteans, or someone else, came in to build the Egyptian and the Mesoamerican pyramids, you'd expect to see some things you simply don't see now.  First off, the pyramids should be the same and be used for similar things.  This isn't the case.  Egyptian pyramids are tombs, with the burial chambers inside the building.  Mesoamerican pyramids are usually temples, with platforms or buildings on top and steps on the sides.  Mesoamerican pyramids had a lot of use, while Egyptian pyramids were more of a show of power thing, not a daily ritual kind of thing.

    Secondly, the pyramids should have just appeared, without any lead-up.  When Europeans brought guns to North America, they brought fully-made guns.  They didn't bother reinventing the wheel.  If aliens brought pyramid building technology to Earth, they did.  There is an orderly procession in Egypt that anyone can see, starting with mastabas, a flat roofed, rectangular building.  Someone got the bright idea of piling one mastaba on top of another, and eventually you got step pyramids.  Then someone thought a smooth look would be nice.  They screwed up the angle at first.  One pyramid collapsed, and they had to change the angle of another, so you have the Bent Pyramid.  Finally, they figured it out, and managed the pyramids that Egypt's famous for.  It's an astonishing architectural achievement, but one well within the scope of human ability.

    Plus, the Egyptians, who loved keeping records, left behind plenty of records of building the things and how they did it.  There's no mention of aliens.

    ETA: I was not aware that there were such posting rules on Yahoo!  At any rate, I want proof.  Real proof.  Not every opinion is worth the same, and yours is worthless unless you have real evidence and can answer the points that I've made logically.

  8. This theory surfaces from time to time usually with the assistance of some pyramididiot who wants to get publicity for a book or documentary that has been compiled with snippets of reality, mixed up with a lot of unsubstantiated hypotheses and a minuscule dash of fact.

    The answer is simply no. There has by now been more than sufficient factual data collected, tests done using the lastest technology, as well as actual evidence left by the ancient Egyptians to debunk this myth.

    It seems to be part of the human psyche that even when we see clear proof of something we need to look for the mystery in it.

    In reality with all that we now know about the pyramids the only mystery is why are they still a mystery to anyone who cares to study the subject.

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