
Building your confidence?

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Does anyone know of any good ways to build your confidence?




  1. idk. It's just something you have to develop. Like if people tease you and make fun of you it only helps you be a better person so you know how to deal with people like that in the future.

  2. I used to have very low self confidence and self esteem.  I was able to develop confidence in myself and a higher self esteem by setting small goals for myself.  Just small attainable goals that gradually worked their way up to larger goals.  Through time of reaching these goals I slowly started to gain confidence in myself and my self esteem gradually picked up with it seeing that I now had confidence in myself.  

  3. Whenever I don't feel good about myself, (I know people say that your insecure if you do this) but I fish for compliments. Say, "oh, I'm a terrible _____" and then someone will say how great you are. haha... makes me feel good lol

    and for some reason, after i go for a walk or a swim, or buy someting, or get a good grade, that boosts my confidence alot.

    Also, even if your not confident, act confident. You'll end up convincing yourself! =]

    Hope I helped! =]

  4. fist walk with your head held high. seem simple but it is surprisingly effective. arms relaxed at your sides. shoulders back, stomach in. when talking to people maintain eye contact. it may be hard at first, but when you so this you gain the persons respect. have a nice soft smile on your face. you will be amazed at what a smile can do to your day. begin to write or draw or paint, something along those lines. this will help you put your feelings on paper and help you relax. dress relaxed. t shirts some nice jeans. the way you dress affect the way you feel. wear nice calm colors. white, green, blue, gray.  

  5. Hey. I had low confidence for many years then I did a cognitive behavior therapy course. Its like a cross between therapy and learning life skills and helps a lot. I feel like a different person. Have a look in your area see if there is any around, and sometimes Psychologists will do individual lessons too.

  6. Build by practice it makes perfect. Just what ever is very hard for your confidence, go out and do it, do your best prepare to fail and if you do accept it. And move on to the next challenge. Do not prethink to much about something you are not confident about just do it.

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