
Built up immunity to adderall

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I've been taking 20mg of adderall for about a month every single day. In the last week I've noticed that I can't even tell I've taken it. My question is how long of a "drug vacation" should I take to renew it's effects or should I get a stronger/different perscription?




  1. I would consult your doctor.  Adderall is an amphetamine and cancausee tolerance and raising it by yourself can lead to bad things, if it is not getting it's desired effect, then call your doctor....also don't stop taking it without your doctor knowing.  I don;t know of what kind of withdrawal you can get from adderall but I wouldn't want to find out...

  2. Go see the person that prescribed it to you. If you've only been taking it for a month, you'll be noticing how your body reacts to it and they'll be able to adjust your dosage and/or treat you with a different prescription.

  3. Ummm, as an adult ADDer I'd suggest a 1-week drug holiday.  You may very well have developed a tolerance to Adderall 20mg.  Talk to your doctor at your next appointment.  If the drug holiday didn't work, he might increase your daily dose.  Good luck.

    Edit:  I've taken drug holidays before lasting 1-2 weeks.  I'm on a drug holiday right now as a matter of fact.

    Edit #2:  I take Ritalin 20mg 2x/day

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