
Bulima. Ive been struggling with this for about a year now. ?

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some days I dont throw up and some days I throw up 1 or more times. Nobody knows I struggle with this. I thought I could stop on my own and did for a little bit but started up again. I cant control how much I eat, ill over eat then be consumed with guilt and have the urge to get it all out. Then sometimes ill crash diet and eat very healthy and very little but then go back to binging and purging. Im afraid this is spiraling out of control and dont know what to do.





    i'm also struggling wiht the same problem

    i've been bulimac with anorexic habbits for three years now

    getting over it is the hardest hting i've ever done

    and theres no way i could do it without all the support i have

    tell someone you care about soon

    and seek professional help

    please don't wait

    you have to stop this while you can

    and with the right help i know you can do it

    if you ever need to talk you can email me

    please please please get help

  2. You should try to find a local support group and see a counelor about this....many people struggle with this, dont feel need to get help before it consumes your've made the first step so dont stop here, they'll teach you how to eat in a more healthy way.

  3. you should eat a certain amount of healthy meals per day. make a chart or something. if you feel bad about how you look, excersice and eat healthier. you probably arent overweight anyways, and are just selfconcious. if you keep throwing up, youre going to look even more disgusting than being overweight. go to a support group and get help. :]eating disorders can ruin your life.

  4. My suggestion is you need to share this secret with some one. It is hard telling for the first time, but a closed mouth don't get fed. NO PUN INTENDED. Bulimia is like an addiction to alcohol or drugs, and you have to realize you have no control only a higher power does. So first tell some one , then seek treatment, and seek spirituality.  

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