
Bulimia or Anorexia?

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well this week i throw up almost everything i eat...but the thing is that i don't eat a lot of food i mean that i hardly eat 800 calories a day....are that signs of bulimia or anorexia??




  1. you think you are having any kind of emotional problem right now?when you look in the mirror do you see yourself with weight problems?

    how old are you?you shouldn't be eating so you do it because you think you're fat?ask someone you trust to tell the right thing.ask them if they see you as fat or normal or ultra thin or whatever.if they think you're normal or thin then you dont need to eat so less.increase your calorie maintenance level and check out your BMI.

    maybe,you're allergic to something.have you moved to some new place or are you on vacation.even the air you breathe can result in an allergy and this little allergy almost immediately affects your stomach.

    the right place to ask this is not this site but your parents or a teacher or preferably a doctor.

    hope everything works out for you

  2. i think its bulimia. you honestly don't have to eat that much to be bulimic but it is commonly classified as binging (stuffing your face) and purging (throwing it back up). really hun nothing good will come from an eating disorder. I'm bulimic and its caused a few health problems that really could have been avoided. please stop now your only hurting yourself!

    good luck sweetie x*x

  3. If you've only been doing it for a week, it is probably neither.

    Bulimia involves binge eating and using inappropriate compensatory behaviors (purging & non-purging), on average, for at least twice a week for 3 months. So, you can pretty much rule this out completely.

    In order to classify as an anorexic, you must weigh 85% or less than what is developmentally expected for age and height as well as the emotions, feelings and physiological effects that come alone with anorexia.

    If you did meet all the requirements for anorexia, you could probably be diagnosed with anorexia - purging type.

    If not, you'd probably just be diagnosed as EDNOS (Eating disorders not otherwise specified). Basically a name for all other eating disorders that don't officially/completely fall into a category such as bulimia or anorexia.

  4. this sees to be a bit of both!

    i saw online once about a condition in which the person purges herself (gets rid of calories by throwing up or taking laxatives etc) without having binged beforehand as is normal in bulimics. this seems to something like your case.

    but you eat way too little a day - 800 calories is just unhealthy, but it doesnt yet come to the ranks of being anorexic. so i would say "watch yourself!!!" because you are close to becoming ill!

    so far it seems like you have been honest with yourself-which is a good start! take yourself out your situation which will be hard but you can do it step at a time. once you feel again confident about your eating habits, then you can go onto a healthy diet and feel better about yourself.

    good luck!

  5. see your doctor..seriously or talk to an adult

  6. if you are making  yourself throw up then you  might be bulimic, but if you are throwing up and don't want to then you really need to see someone about it..  

    being Anorexia is when you MAKE yourself not eat..  

  7. what ever made youthink that?

  8. That's both anorexia and bulimia! Consult to your doctor!

  9. Please eat more. That is way unhealthy. If you wanna look good eat more and do weight training. then your body will be toned and s**y. You need calories to live!!!

  10. If you had a legitimate eating disorder you would do anything you could to keep it private (you wouldn't be talking about it on a public forum). Good luck.

  11. i'd say both. PLS go and see a nutritionist abt this. You're in a very serious state. Just to be frank, this may be dangerous enough to take your life. you better sort your life out and go see a psychologist. Ask friends or family for help. And PLS dont take this with closed-ears. You may not be able to come to terms with what i just said, but its the truth.
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