
Bulimia question, help?

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okay, so how long do you have to have been 'doing it' for to actually be classed as a 'bulimic'?

ive been doing it i guess for a few months, maybe a bit longer but i don't actually binge and purge, cos i rarely binge exactly, i just eat and purge if that makes sense?

so am i bulimic or not?

my throat constantly stings when i swallow, could i have seriously harmed myself already?

and i know this is probably irrelevant but i keep getting a really bad pain down the side of my head, like a stabbing pain that lasts a minute then goes away, its really odd but i cant work out why I'm getting it, and its probably nothing to do with it but i was wondering if it could be relevant?

and pleaseee don't say to stop, its really not that easy, even if its only been a few months.




  1. You must be finding this really tough. Rather than pay too much attention to what someone says on Yahoo Answers (where you won't always get a sympathetic, balanced, and useful answer), I'd suggest that you should try and see a doctor. Other people here will advise this too. Although it's tempting to say definitively that the pain in your head is related, or 'yes, you are bulimic', no one here will know your situation enough to make a good assessment. As it stands, you've identified a health problem which you need support with.

    See a doctor if you can. There are several reasons why doing so could be really difficult or seem impossible to you, but it would definitely be a step forward. It's something that you need reliable support for, and hopefully this route would provide it for you. Good luck.

  2. Well the sore throat is from the acid from your stomach irritating it as u throw up. and the acid is going to destroy your teeth too by the way.

    dunno bout the pain in ur head though,

    good luck :)

  3. well if your always throwing up, probably dehydrated, and malnutritioned already.

  4. Its really hard to stop especially if you r seeing results...but..when i was bulimic i got those pains down the side of my head,i put it down to straining and dehydration....the only way i got out of that situation was help..not Dr's but fiance really helped to someone that u feel you can trust...cos looking back i think..just when was i gonna stop..when i was dead cos i went from a 16 to a 10 in 5 months and thought that i was really really really...even if i was a size 0 (not that that was what i wanted) i prob would have still thought hey your a big fat pig...its a horrible mindset that u need to get out from now before you get any worse....!!!

    i get those feelings back..and still have food phobias but I'm glad to be alive and happy rather than skinny and miserable...!!!

    good luck...!!!! xx

  5. Um ok...Your throat is burning b/c your esophageal lining has been torn out and your throat is just burning b/c ITS RAW! You do need help seriously. You are bulimic it doesn't matter how many times you do it a day, if you do it just for the fact of losing weight you ARE bulimic! Get help before you kill yourself...

  6. You have "Purging Bulimia", it sounds like.  Several months is not just a once in a blue moon kind of thing, so it's now a habit for you, an addiction even.  Your throat stinging indicates that the stomach acids have eroded the delicate linings in the throat.  It's at least partially recoverable, but you will need help to stop, you're right.  Here is more information, and you can call your doc's office for anonymous references to get treatment, or use the 2nd link below to find a treatment center, insurance often covers all or part of it.  Not sure if or how your head pain is related...

  7. Please stop. I know that it isn't easy and doubt I have any kind of idea of advice to give you could make you stop. Your well aware of the physical effect this is having but research what is happening to you as it will also affect you psycologically and emotionally. The only advice I can give is please see someone proffessionally qualified, they also can't make you stop but may be able to help you figure out a reason why you should.

  8. You are bulemic.  You need to make an appointment with your doctor asap.  The stomach acids that you are throwing up are tearing up your esophagus.  You must stop and you need a therapist to  help you through it.

  9. You can be classified as bulimic your first time. Bulimia is more a mind game than anything else. Yes you have seriously injured yourself already, the bile from your stomach rots your throat from the outside in.

  10. Bulimia is diagnosable when it effects your life, which this obviously has. So yes, you have clinical bulimia.

    I'm sorry to tell you that you likely have already done some permanent damage, though I'm not sure of the extent. Some bulimics lose their voices eventually. You are also slowing down your metabolism, which means that the vomiting is probably doing little to no good in terms of weight loss at this point, and once you stop you will probably gain more than otherwise might have.

    This may seem obvious, but you REALLY need to look into seeing a counselor or therapist ASAP. Even a close friend, parent, or teacher will make you feel better if they give you a chance to talk it out.

    I wish you peace and strength on your journey to recovery.  

  11. I know exactly how you feel, I've been doing the same kind of thing for about a year and a half. I really want to stop and  just feel good about myself. I only do it occasionally, especially when I'm away from my boyfriend. I keep thinking i have to stop, but i completely agree it's not that easy. I've decided to tell my close friends as i think if someone knows it will be out in the open, and maybe i can stop. I do sometimes get sore stabbing headaches when i bend down or get up, i think it's to do with my sinus's which i totally screwed up with what ive been doing. The throat pain is about the stomach acid hitting your mouth. I really hope you manage to stop, before something really irreversible happens to your body. C x*x

  12. Yes, you definitely could have seriously harmed your throat already. And yes, the pain down the side of your head is also due to this. You're lacking nutrients and your body is telling you there's something seriously wrong. I won't tell you to stop, but I will tell you to go get medical help IMMEDIATELY.

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