
Bulimic .. [10points]?

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okay, so ..

My mom hd to make an appointment with my doctor for my red blood cells being to low..

And I am bulimic, I know I am, I hate it, and its been about a year now ..

And my mom has gotten suspicious about it, but when she asked me, I denied it ..

And she was talking to my doctor on the phone i guess ..

and she told me tonight that we both have an appointment with my doctor to talk to him ..

and Im pretty sure this is it ..

I don't know what to do .. Im really scared to open up.

Can I just deny it to my doctor, or can he find out himself ?

And if He finds out, what will happen to me ? Like will I be sent to a special hospital for eating disorders, or what ?

I don't know what to expect..

Im 17 almost 18 female..

if that helps at all.

Thanks In advance,

Shawna. <3




  1. I think it would be best for you to open up. The damage that bulimia can do to the body is extreme and can be fatal. I don&#039;t mean to come off strong and scare you, but you need to get some help. You need food to live, and without the nutrients your body will fall apart. I had a cousin who went through this years ago and is doing great now. Remember, eating won&#039;t make you fat. Eating too much will. Just exercise a bit and/or eat responsibly and you&#039;ll realize that resorting to bulimia was one of the worst choices you ever made. Good luck with everything.  

  2. You can&#039;t keep doing this to yourself. Its doing damage that you don&#039;t even know about. And eventually its going to take more to make you throw up. Just tell them. They won&#039;t judge you or anything.  

  3. You need to admit it to others so you can start getting better.  If your Mother and Doctor already suspect that you are bulimic then there won&#039;t be a shock when you admit it.  The longer you deny it the worse it will be in so many ways.  If you hate how you are because of it then its time to get help.  I know its not easy to admit things that you know people already know, but, in the long run it will help you much more.

  4. fess up and get help.its the best way to go.

    u wont get sent to a special hospital. might have to go for counselling or sumfin but that&#039;s a small price to pay compared to the damage u&#039;ll inflict on urself in the long run.

  5. Bulimic people make me sick.  You probably smell like vomit all the time.  I bet if any guy kissed you, you&#039;d smell like vomit city.  Do. Not. Want.

    Also, good luck with your rotted teeth, and hairy body.

  6. omg dont do that to yourself its bad for you its best for you to tell for you can get some help its ok everything would be alright it would be wore if your mom finds out by herself it would hurt her

  7. You should tell him, because chances are he&#039;s going to suspect it.

    And chances are he&#039;s going to put you on a diet to help you gain the weight back and people are going to watch you more carefully.

    I&#039;m pretty sure if you work to stay a good healthy weight and stop then they won&#039;t send you to a clinic. But if you keep doing it they may, plus being bulimic rots your teeth.

  8. you just need specialized counseling no need to get too upset you know you have the problem let them help! please for your own sake don&#039;t go and hurt yourself for society.

  9. It&#039;s going to suck to open up about it but you will also feel better having it off your chest. I don&#039;t think you automnatically get shipped to a special clinic but I don&#039;t know. Are you and your mom close? Maybe the 2 of you can work together to get you over this hurdle in life. I think it is also something you are going to have to watch for the rest of your life. But bulimia is doefintly not something to deal with and face alone. Find someone to be like your &quot;sponser&quot; you will need it.
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