
Bulimics do you remember??????

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Do you remember how it all started for you? Was it to loose weight, or to purge bad feelings. This is a serious question. If you still are bulimic do you want to stop and can't? If you have told family how did they react?




  1. I still am bulimic and i bacially started because i was depressed with my life and my body. I felt i had no control over anything else and even though ive tried like every diet there is and i barely eat i still feel fat. Now its to the point if i eat and dont get sick it hurts and i feel terrible mentally i cant stop. I hope most people are smarter than me and chooses not to try this!!!

  2. I saw a movie on it called A Secret Between Friends on NBC when I was in 5th grade. I didn't care that the girls in the movie were terribly sick, all I noticed was they  got skinny by throwing up, and so it began. For me, it was a bag of oreos and sitting in my bedroom floor throwing up quietly into a towel. I've gotten help after 11 tough years of it.  

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