
Bullemia i think it's coming back?

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im a boy im 17 and i just recovered from bullemia now after 3months of binge free and purge free months im starting it again and sports are starting up again for me ehh idk what to do how do u cope how do i stop i need to control my eating what should i do i dont wanna get skinny but i dont wanna get fat i have baby fat still and iwant muscles and i know there's no way i can with this behavior..HELP???!!!!




  1. Try a diuretic diet until you can get control of your bulimia. There are tons of healthy liquid shakes that you wont feel guilty about that will stimulate energy for sports and help contribute to healthy muscle. If you’re throwing up your food there’s no way you'll gain muscle mass. It’s the first thing to go when your body is deprived. Maybe you should confide in a friend (mature that wont support your bad habits) or an adult. maybe your coaches. they have a medication that curves bulimia. ask your doctor about it. its called topomax and it also helps to lose weight. Good luck in your journey.

  2. Do you have a support system? How did you recover to start with? Counceling or anything? If you do get ahold of your support system, now is when you need them more than ever. If you don't have a support system get one, not just peers, but maybe your parents, school councelors, youth pastor, nutritionist, doctor, someone who you can go to for encouragement and help. Bulimia is so serious, I was bulimic for 4 years and developed a lot of health problems from it (not just your typical hair loss, dry skin, brittle nails, brokemn blood vessels) but things like gastro-esaphagul disease where it hurts to swallow and a reflex that tries to throw everything up (automatically, so in order not to throw up I have to swallow my own puke), a bad kidney, holes in my stomach lining (from the acids) intestinal problems, IBD, weakness etc.

    Make sure you are eating healthy, make that your "obsession" rather than binging and purging and comparing yourself to others. Focus your efforts on eating healthy and exercise. Start weight lifting if you want muscles, things like pilates and yoga also help with toning. To get rid of "fat" you want to pick up some cardio, go for a jog everynight trying to increase the distance and speed etc.

    Most importantly, know you are weak right now, and your best bet at a real recovery is to get a good support system behind you.

    Good luck to you, <<HUGS>> Toni Lynne

    email me if you ever need any encouragment or advice etc.

  3. please talk to someone, because this can be fatal. Get a gym membership. Sometimes its easier to talk to someone other than your parents, try a friend or a counselor. please get some help.

  4. Hun baby fat is so typical. You just need to control your portion size so you dont feel guilty and feel the need to puke. Hun you take a look around and tell me what kid at your school doesnt have baby fat. The average man loses his around 18-24 anway. So you have a couple years to go. Just stop messing with your syestem otherwise you might not grow and lose you baby pudge.

  5. Please see a doctor.

  6. Talk to your Mom or Dad for sure, or maybe a councilor at your school, i have friends who had serious eating issues and school councilors really do help, that's why they're there. If anyone gives you stupid answers about how girls don't like skinny guys just ignore them, some people are very ignorant towards men with ed's.

  7. By binging and purging you will remain the same weight. When you eat, even if you get sick your body will take some of the fat from the food so well you are seriously damaging your body you aren't even losing any weight so you will keep your baby fat. Really it is pointless!

    It is ok to eat fatty foods, just eat them in moderation. You need to change your relationship with food (not as easy as it sounds but difinitely possible).

    If you want to eat something nice (eg. a bar of choc, eat half and throw the other half in the bin) best of both worlds.

    By refusing yourself treats, you are making it very difficult for yourself so don't set yourself up for a goal that is impossible to reach.

    If you want to lose your baby fat, do it properly so that it'll stay away forever, eat healthy (incl. treats) and exercise, training and playing matches is enough exercise so don't go to extremes.

    Best of luck and please talk to someone, don't let this disease take over your life-that would be a waste.

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