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Why do they cut off the bulls ears after the bull loses?




  1. i dont know....i think killing the bull and stabbing him is very mean. i think teasing is ok but not killing \

  2. Actually, ears are not always cut off. In fact, bullfighting has a lot of rules and regulations that affects to every small detail in it. I will try to translate the text of the bullfighting regulations about prizes for the bullfighter.

    Article 82.

    1. Prizes or trophies for the bullfighters will be the right to salute the audience from the bullpit (saludo), to go around the bullpit saluting the audience (vuelta al ruedo), one or two bull's ears (orejas) and leaving on one's shoulder through the main bullring gate (salida a hombros). Only as an exceptional situation on Bullring President judgement, he could award the bullfighter with the tail of the bull (rabo).

    2. Prizes or trophies will be awarded in the following manner: salutation and going around the bullpit will be done by the bullfighter on his own judgement attending the audience wishes based on their aplausse. The first ear will be awarded by the President based on the majority petition of the audience; awarding the second ear in the same bull is exclusively on the judgement of the President who will take in account the audience wishes, bull's behaviour, good bullfighter performance in every single detail and, mainly, the final thrust (estocada).

  3. It's a trophy, much the same as it used to be in the UK with foxhunting where they would cut off the tail. Whatever your views it has to be a lot better than killing a stag. There they cut off the head, have it stuffed and mounted on a wall.

  4. Those are trophies for the matador.  Just like the team that wins the Superbowl gets a ring...It's dead, now, you know, so it doesn't feel anything anymore.  And it's a two or three thousand year old tradition, so, it might be a little hard to fathom, but, that's the way it's been done for all that time.

  5. The ears and the tail are "awarded" to the "torreador" by a panel of three judges depending on the "skill" shown during the fight. Judges are looking for, amongst other things, closeness of the turns, ability to lead the bull and cleanliness of the kill itself.

    Obviously this is an emotive subject, certainly here in Spain however I hope I´ve managed to provide a factual answer. I find the following to be a good description of how a bullfight is conducted from start to finish:
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