
Bullied letters help?

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My Friend is being bullied. I am going to Wright a letter on how she can get ride of bullies but I really don't know what she can. I know she can tell an adult. But what are some other things she can do to get ride of theses bullies. Pleases help!!




  1. tell a teacher or parent !

  2. When you say "bullied," how do you mean? Are they beating her up, teasing her, stealing from her? All of these things require very different approaches. It's hard to answer this question without knowing exactly what's going on.

    One way to respond to teasing and emotional goading is to just ignore it; if teasers don't get a response, they will sometimes just give up. For physical attacks, adults really need to be involved; the same goes for stealing.

  3. I find the best thing to do is dont say nothing, and if someone really pushes your button, just beat the **** out of them. Cuz honestly i dont think anything would work with kids these days. I see them walking around swearing, and screaming, and fighting. They have no respect for anyone. Well most the kids anyways.

  4. Just let her know not to listen to the bully and to ignore him. And let her know that it is not her fault.

  5. don't do anything! igonore them! Agree with them. If he's like, "you're stupid, or your fat" just be like "yeah I am. But I like myself"

  6. first of all...oh never mind.anyway go to these bullies and start getting in there face and everything,as soon as they push or hit you its pay back time.(don't worry it's self-defense  you won't get in trouble)

  7. I feel terrible for her.  In this day and age its not like when I

    was in grade school - the worst they did was call you rotten

    names, but today they can easily do harm.  

    I'm not sure what the best way to go is, but if she has a good relationship with her mom or dad, telling them would be a good idea.  Also, tell her to be careful not to fall for that c**p where they make up with her and invite her to a house and then all gang up on her.  Tell her no matter what, that she should never trust any of them ever again for any reason

    They don't deserve trust, frankly.  

    This bullying has got to be put to an end.  I hear about it constantly - and there are thousands of kids who get bullied

    every single day in this country.  Adults need to go back to being adults and parents again.  These bullies need to get

    the strictest punishment of law to make them a good harsh


    To tell you the truth, if I were still in school, the h**l with it, I'd tell everyone - teachers, principal, my parents, their parents

    everybody who will listen.  It would be so damned public it

    would make their heads spin.
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