
Bullies,or Bull-Fighters.? Which do you most Detest.?

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I have time for neither.




  1. bull fighters!!!! i dislike them like poison...and Eh bullies, are mean & i have no time for them... some people here on the net are bullies, & like to hurt you, me etc.......sigh

  2. are bull fighters not bullies?  are we not all bullies? if we consume, we are bullies.....stop pointing the finger and realize our true position as a civilized nation of bullies

  3. bullies they are just absolute scum

  4. Bullies,,,

  5. good question, i hunt but i dont try to cause the animal any harm. chasing a bull around a ring stabbing it in the neck and flanks with lances when its already distressed is not a sport or fun and then some ponce comes out and stabs the animal through the heart and hes like a hero.  yeah big man! you've just killed an animal with no fighting chance for survival, its neck muscles have already been  weakened but apparently fear according to deer hunters that use hounds makes the meat more tender, but as my mum told me from i was a toddler "i killed it i eat it" so i'm sort of like a buddist meat eater in that respect.  when the final stab is delivered the matador or whatever the wankers called should by rights cut out its heart and eat it.  as for bullies i was bullied at school, i've been held down and had my face stamped on, they knew a punch woudnt put me down neither would 3 of them in quick succession so i was held down by 2 others while the "hardman" kicked me in the head. after it i still told him the truth his mum was a good for nothing w***e and his dad was a dole scrounging workshy b*****d, is that your best i got slapped harder after being pulled from my ma's womb.  i hate bullfighting more, at least i can defend myself the poor bull has no chance.

  6. Both.

    Are you in Wales?

    Don't answer that.

    Dave the rave....

  7. Honestly, neither.

    Only had a run in with a bully once, after I knocked out 17 of his teeth, broke his jaw in 3 places, broke both his cheek bones, and collapsed is nose, with a baseball bat, he wasn't interested in being a bully no more, I guess 2 months in the hospital, and 7 reconstructive surgeries will do that to you.  I was never bothered in school again.  I always cheer for the bull, but I don't judge people, I don't like to be judged so I don't judge others.

  8. Bullies. I just have more empathy for humans rather than animals I guess. I would rather see a bull killed for fun than watch a child commit suicide due to mental torment. They both seem pointless activities carried out by morons but I think that bullying is the greater of the two evils......Besides bull fighting doesn't seem that rampant in the UK so it wouldn't make much difference to the people or animals around me if it was stopped.

  9. Both are horrible parts of society, but I what I detest most are people that glorify either one.  Neither would be a problem if they weren't getting encouragement from somewhere.

  10. Detest both, one should be dealt with by schools, parents the other should have been outlawed years ago.

  11. I certainly don't like the idea of torturing animals.  When I hunted, I perfected the quickest way out for them specifically to minimize suffering.

    I never had trouble with bullies, even though I was a geek student.  Long after, I realized why.  When they looked into my eyes they didn't see fear, they saw hate and death.  I think that's why they rushed away like that.

    I wouldn't have done more than necessary then, or now, but there's ways of making people understand the limits they can't pass.

  12. There's not a lot of difference - both cause pain and suffering for pleasure.

    Both show the basest and most vile aspects of humanity, along with fox and deer hunting, hare coursing and any other "sport" which inflicts pain or death for pleasure.

  13. Both are bad but I would have to go with bullfighters being the worst.

    Given help bullies do change their ways and often act out of insecurity themselves.

  14. both are bad,get them both in an arena and throw in a few lions,at the end of the day karma takes it's course and they get it all back at them

  15. How old are you?

  16. Both

  17. bull fighting. they actually cause physical harm.

  18. Flip the coin as they are both as detestable.

  19. Detest the sin not the sinners for this is the will of God. Amen. It is so.

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