
Bullies and hypocrites?...How do you react on them?

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Bullies and hypocrites?...How do you react on them?




  1. They're just lack of attention and in sooner time they'll find their match.

  2. the most effective way to deal with bullies/hypocrites is to ignore them completely. The more you mentally vocalize with them, the more they'll likely pick on you. Afterall, they're nothing more than attention seeking whores.

  3. bullies push you around and hypocrites just do what they tell other people to not do. So really they are both the same. You react by ignoring them

  4. I call the hypocrites on their c**p and I attack the bullies.

    Edit: If I would have ignored to bully that was attacking my son in public schools and not gone after the father it would have continued. Since I had a nice chat with the bully's dad, the kid stopped hitting my son.

  5. I had a friend who was, and probably still is, both.   I cut this person out of my life entirely a little over a year ago.  This is how I deal with all bullies and hypocrites and will continue to do so.

    I used to try arguing or reasoning but it was always useless.   This person never really succeeded in bullying me although he tried.   There were many periods of time during our "friendship" that we wouldn't speak.   And, every single time the "friendship" was resuscitated it was because I initiated contact.   I became tired of this and after the last blow-up I just let the person slip out of my life.

    He did bully others and I found it deplorable.   It wasn't physical bullying but mental;  these are middle aged adults were talking about here.  

    This person would constantly argue with others and any time anyone would tell him "You're being hypocritical,"  inlcluding me, he would start screaming "How I'm I being hypocritical?!" before you could even finish what you were saying.   And he'd be up in your face while doing it.

    I'm not saying I never exhibit hypocrisy or that I'm some kind of saint.   But remember, there are three sides to every story:

    1.  Mine

    2.  Yours

    3.  The Truth

    What you will find with these types is they have no ability to accept culpability for anything, including their hypocrisy.  Its always the other guy and they're always 100% right.   This is because all of these morons are COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY INSECURE.   Otherwise, they wouldn't need to behave this way to make themselves feel better.

    I knew the above mentioned person for 10 years and found out something interesting from a couple of relatives of this guy and from the culprit himself;  for all his aggressive, bullying behavior as an adult he was a shy and reserved child who's Dad wasn't particularly loving and was tough on him.   So what does this do?   It manifests itself later in life as being a bullying hypocrite towards others.

    My Dad taught me that there are some people who you just have to accept at face value or not deal with.   You can't change them.  I would suggest you follow this advice and drop whoever it is that is causing your life this negativity.

    That being said, do not allow anyone to physically harm you.

    Good luck to you.

  6. I either avoid or ignore. I've got better things to do with my time.

  7. Hit back with a witty retort or ignore them, either works best. My Dry humour has always helped me through being bullied, and it usually goes over people's heads. It satisfies me beyond belief.

  8. I don't have both, but I do have harassers and manipulators

  9. I despise them. Being a bully is a completly cheap way to get what you want. There is no real effort involved at all. In fact, I got abused by a few kids at school for being the smallest kid there. Yeah, they must be "really tough" to pick on someone who is three feet shorter than you. And you must be pretty strong to be able to lift a kid under half your body weight and press them into a metal slide on a very hot day (now that REALLY hurt).

    As for hypocrites, there's nothing like getting in major trouble for doing something wrong, and then have the same idiot who ratted on you go do the same thing, only worse, and get into no trouble at all. That happens about five times a day at my house with my older brother.

  10. Ignoring them both often works. Just thinking to yourself that they are not worth the effort of spending time and energy on them.

  11. hypocrites get no respect and I'm happy to put them in their place

    bullies, I haven't seen or had contact with any for several years

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