
Bullies ten points for good answer?

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this kid named carl is a phico and hes not a bully but i think that hes so crazy he can hurt me WORSE first this time at gym he hurt my head ow it still hurts and i could have a chanace to hit him back hes nuts if i hit him back im afread he might hit my worse my head just really hurtz well just advice plz




  1. get a gun

  2. you should probably let it pass for a while(about two weeks) and when he leasts expects it beat the c**p out of him(if you can fight)or you could gather up some of ur friends and tackle him.hope it helps :)

  3. Tell on him and get him in the c**p.

  4. um well i know this may sound a bit punckish but jus tell someone that hes hurting you it would be better if you had the adult talk to him and you at the same time good luck

  5. Tell anyone that has authority over him.He should not hurt you

  6. Nark people might think it's not cool to but do it=) *results may vary*

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