
Bulling at school help?

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My son is bulled by some kids at school. They bulled him because he doesn’t have father. They hit him steal his things, his money, his books and they destroy his bike. We recently move in this neighbourhood and the fact of the *unknown father* leak and the children start make fun at him. When we lived in London everything was ok but now in America Yankees are awful! What I should do to stop the other kids bulled him? Obviously the advice *talk to the parents* isn’t helpful since the parents are the people who make-teach the kids to act like that.

plus he is 8 years old




  1. Move back to London.

  2. I realy belive that he should realy stand up for himself and fight back. a better but more complex way is to get alot of friends and never walk alone. he should get friends that look big and that might realy help.

  3. I have three children and have never encountered bulling that is that bad!

    Contact the school principal and let him know that this is not OK and it will not be tolerated. When the bully gets physical or damages property you can call the police.

  4. First talk to your kid not to be frighten by them, and train him to be strong. If it is necessary to fight he must do it.

    Second if you have someone else but his father introduce him to the kids that are bulling your child as a person that is taking care for your child.

  5. Being the target of bullies is never easy and often eventually leads to serious and deadly events.   Unfortunately there is not a clear cut and simple way to defeat bullies.  When I was young, I dealt with bullies all the time.  As the "big" kid on the block, I would defend and punish those who messed my neighborhood's kids.  As part of the process, all of the kids on my block learned to fight and learned how to keep from asking for trouble.  Part of the problem with the kids that get bullied is their own parents hold them to a much higher standard of behavior than the bullies parents.  So if they get into a confrontation they are faced with taking it from the bully or pleasing the parents.  By the time they become the "target" kid, they don't really know how to defend themselves and divert attention away from themselves.  Joining a sports team is a great way to gain confidence and get other friends who will boost the "coolness" of the troubled kid.  Tell him that he should be able to defend himself and that you will stand up for him when he does.  The other parents will get over it.

  6. Bless his heart and I am so sorry that you & him are having to endure such terrible actions. I can only tell you to constantly reassure him he is loved and not to let what other children say and do get him down. I've been the parent of a child who came home crying daily. I had a similar experience last year with my 7 yr. old daughter, we moved from FL (only for a few months) to SOUTH GA (I'm from there) and the bullying at the public school there was so bad I pulled her out, it was her first experience with public school, I prefer to homeschool.

    If going to the school will not help the situation, maybe consider checking into alternative schools private/home for him. NO CHILD DESERVES TO BE TREATED THAT WAY! My daughter was picked at because she wasn't from there & didn't look or carry herself like the rest.. she want into outdoor activities (she does ballet & art - wasn't offered in the area) and she has a small speech problem.. She was badgered by her TEACHER and the students. She was picked on too because her father and I have tattoos as well.

    We picked up after about 5 months and came back to FL, it was to big of a negative impact on my kids to try to raise them there. By no means am I telling you to move, but I'm just saying we had to do what we had to do..

    I'm so surprised that the father issue is such a big deal in America, isn't it the leading country where the majority of children are raised in a single parent household, where a vast majority of them don't know or don't have paternal relationships..

    If kids are stealing & destroying his stuff, go to the school and mean business & even if the parents don't listen TELL THEM ANYWAY and involve the police if necessary, that may be the heads up they need to wake up and teach their kids some honor and gain some for themselves as well. I sincerely wish you the best of luck!

  7. talk to the school

  8. Talk to the teacher or principal. Or have your child stand up for himself. Good luck and i hope he stops getting bullied soon. I hope this helped!


  9. I sent my teenage step son to drop off or p.u. my 8 yr old when this happened. It stopped. Unfortunately, kids are going to bully for whatever reason. If you have friends that have a teenager to take him to school it might help..

  10. you should tell your son to find other kids at school to hang out with that wont bully him. this sounds bad but If the bullies start making fun of him for not having a dad then he should just say **** you and walk away. kids like that are jerks.

  11. I'm sorry you have to be both mother and father for your son....

    Most schools have strong policies about bullying. You should certainly talk to the school principal. If your son is being assaulted and things stolen from him, you have grounds for a juvenile criminal complaint to the police.

    The parents are not necessarily teaching their children to behave in this appalling manner. They may not be aware of it. You should also talk to them and let them know you are thinking of making a police complaint.

    Most Yankees are not awful any more than most Brits.  Maybe there is a problem in your neighborhood or city?

  12. well tell ur kid to stick uo fr himself if he does that then ur all good make sure he has some friends that have his back and if they do make him kick there butt......just tell him to say i really dont appreciate you bullying me so can u please stiop and if they laugh in his face make him oucnch them right in the face then they will learn there lesson!!!!!

  13. Tell him to talk back and defend himself, tell them to stop, talk to the teacher, and act like they are not hurting him because they are picking on him just for amusement, and if he acts like he doesn't care and they will leave.

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