
Bullying and what we can do about it?

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The little boy i babysit gets bullied ALOT i have just witnessed it today. It was very sad i was around the corner and he was getting bulliedi heard the kids say he had no friends he is in grade 2. When i tried to talk to him about it he just told me to stop talking about it then i told his mom she said this has been an ongoing thing for a year i was wondering what i could do to help his mom said if i can find a way to tell her. (P.S She has already spoken to the prisibel of the skool and she said that she would not get involved)




  1. Get this mom to have him take some martial arts.  This will really build his confidence and he may make some friends.  Even if he is not very coordinated.  This will definately help that if he isn't.  This mom should take some steps to do something now while he is young.  This should be taken seriously!

  2. literaly go talk to the kids and tell them how they will explain this to their parents. many different things but make sure that they know they are doing something wrong

  3. I was bullied too. I wish that I had taken martial arts back then.

    I'm a black belt now, and no one has bullied me in decades.

  4. if the principal is not going to get involved i would go to the superentindant and  demand something be done about the bullying and report the principal for not doing her job! sound s to me she doesnt need that job anyway. bullying is not something to play aroung with hint colimbine ect. and if the superintendant wont do anything go to the state board . i would go as far as id have to because that poor boy doesnt need to go through all that h**l

  5. Did you confront the kids at all or did you stay stay out of the way?  I know it might have embarrassed him, but even showing yourself might have gotten them to stop.  I've shot many dirty looks and have actually spoken to kids before when I've volunteered at school.  This hasn't been with my own kids, but just students I've seen getting bullied.  Sometimes I think kids bully because we let them get away with it.  We've lived in several states, several different school districts and I've never heard of a school without a bullying policy.  There's been tons of research done on this stuff and it really does affect the kids and their school work.  I'd keep bugging the school until they did something about it.  Sometimes the squeaky wheel gets things done.  In the meantime, he needs to get involved in something he feels good about.  I agree the martial arts is probably a great thing.  It can give him respect, confidence and self esteem.

  6. My 2nd grade son has had the same problems.  First, have the mom call the school board and report this principal is he isnt going to get involved.  That's his job...  There is a no bully policy and he needs to reinforce it.  I made such a fuss about my son getting picked on at the bus stop they now make his bully sit up front while on the bus and get off at a different bus stop than my son.  Tell him to keep telling on the bully's so they'll get into trouble for what there doing.  Everyone told me to have my son defend himself which isnt going to happen as he's a very quiet, kind little boy so I do my job and give the school h**l for it until they do their job...  Good luck.

  7. the principals job is to get i would turn the principal in....i would talk to his teacher....or have the mom talk to the teacher..........bulling is seriously bad to his mental health............tell her to pull him out and homeschool him...or if possibly change schools................................b... deffinaltly turn in the prinicipal.....see if the kid will talk to the of luck

  8. Mom must speak to the principal more than one time.  I have never heard of a principal who refused to get involved UNLESS it was happening solely outside of school time.  If that is the case you must contact the parents and approach them yourself or call the police.  Mom must write down the date of every incident and who is involved.  She must write down where it happened.  Then, take the log to school to show that a) this is perisitent bullying and not just a one time problem between two kids, and b) you are taking the problem seriously and expect the school to do so.  

    Make it clear that if nothing is done, you will be forced to call the police.  

    Is mom too timid to stand up for her own child?  She needs to take serious action before her child figures he is what the bullies say he is.  

    Another point:  is it true that he has no friends?  Some children are very shy, some have more serious social skills problems which makes them prone to being bullied.  An excellent book "The Bully, The Bullied and the Bystander" by Barbara Coloroso is a must read on this topic.  You will feel more empowered and will be much closer to finding a solution to  your little friend's problem.

  9. its a hard situation. I fortunately was never bullied. but i did do some bullying. i was always into sports and very athletic so people looked up to me. I would say to get the kid involved in something that can involve the other kids that are picking on him. If that doesn't work, i'm always the fan of two different things. ONe go there and pick the kids up by their waists and say "leave the kid alone" or You'll feel wedges until your 16. or TWO, tell the kid to just bite the bullet and kick some butt, once he does that they'l respect him alot more and leave him alone.

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