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Q1. How does violence give indivoduals power?

Q2. What is the difference between conflict and bullying?




  1. conflict is when there is a disagreement but bullying is when someone is making fun of another person. There's quite a difference.

  2. Conflict is healthy and non-threatening in nature, where to parties don't agree but respect each others views.

    Bullying is a form of forcing another to accept your views through threats, intimidation, ridicule and violence. Sometimes bullying is just done to belittle another in order to build ones self esteem or social status with others. Like special magic said. There is a big difference between the 2. ;-)

  3. Q1.  Violence has always been a source of power.  The ability to harm your enemies has always empowered those who were stronger (either physically or mentally) to force themselves on those that they consider to be weaker.  Since ancient times, individuals have fought simply to demonstrate their power over others.  It even exists in the animal kingdom.  Dogs and other mammals in a group may fight to assert their dominance.  Unfortunately humans aren't too different.  In a world without law and society (a state of nature), the strong would rule over the weak through sheer power and strength, enforced through violence.  However, as we do live in a society this phenomenon mainly manifests itself in children, who are not as firmly bound to society's rules and exhibit less developed behaviors and mannerisms.

    Q2.  Conflict simply occurs when there is a difference of opinion between individuals or groups.  Bullying occurs when one entity attempts to force themselves on another, either through their beliefs, intimidation, or sheer physical strength.  A conflict can be essentially equated with a disagreement, while bullying is basically the act of battering another into submission (not necessarily in the physical sense) or attempting to assert your power or authority through such means.

  4. conflict is a struggle between two sides like world war 2 . bullying is preying upon someone weaker than you like Schwarzenegger and Pee Wee Herman

  5. A1.  Violence is a form of intimidation.  By intimidating another the perpetrator of the violence may be able to unduly influence the person being intimidaed.

    A2. Conflict is not always violent.  Non-violent conflict would be a simple verbal argument or even a moderated debate.  This form of "conflict" is active and pits rival opinions but does not include violence.

  6. violence- some individuals crave violence, for example i new a boy who was beaten by his father, he felt small weak and insignificant. To gain back his pride and his dominance also to supress his emotional abuse, he would abuse woman and other blokes that were like him and were scared of him. So he reversed the role in his personal life, he would become his father to feel big.

    q2. Bullying is a form of abuse emotional, physical abuse

    conflict can be, two people having a CONFLICTING argument of opinion, race, social background.

    For exaample, to people go out to eat, one person wants italian the other pizza, they have an argument, its a conflict of interests

  7. it's because people get intimidated and scared. conflict has an acceptable reason and source while bullying doesn't
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